MUST READ!! Horses bein stolen in the danbury, chelmsford essex


Active Member
3 February 2009
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I am posting this for all horse owners to be aware.
There is a known fact that people in the Chelmsford, Danbury and Essex area stealing horses. Sighting have been seen that a large group of people with empty horse trailers and horseboxes hovering around large livery yards. So keep your eyes open!

My friend last night stayed up all night with the yard manager to keep an eye on all 30 horses on the yard as there was a large grouping of empty horseboxes and trailers hovering close by , one drove straight down passing the yard stoping at the gates then drove back up again. so as a Precaution they parked their horsebox infront of the gates! This was in the Chelmsford area.

When I heard of this I had to write this to give everyone the heads up!


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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OMG thats awful. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please get horses that aren't already freezemarked marked asap. This is a very reliable visible deterrent. Also mark the rugs of those marked so potential theives will not try to take a freezemarked but rugged up horse. People MUST FREEZEMARK TO HELP STOP THIS AWFUL BUSINESS!!

Tidy Paquet

Well-Known Member
13 March 2009
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Thank you for this information.
I have horses at Little Baddow and a horse at a Livery Yard near Woodham Walter.
This is really all very un- nerving.
Please see my post about an attempted theft of some cobs kept near to our Livery Yard.

Are the Police involved?