My cast comes off on wednesday!!!

Hells Bells

Well-Known Member
18 September 2011
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After 6 very long (and painful) weeks since my horrible fall, my cast is set to come off tomorrow all being well!

Have not ridden since then, so am hoping to be able to go on the christmas day/boxing day ride! I fell off someone elses horse too, so not to worried about getting on my neddies feels like forever!

Typing on here will be much easier too :)

Thankyou all for keeping me entertained over the last few weeks :)


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6 June 2009
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You must be very excited about that. What did you break? I have just been to Fracture clinic today for a 10 day check to make sure my break hasnt displaced any further. Thankfully it hasnt so 4 weeks and counting until it comes off. They told me it would be a further 2 weeks when the cast comes off before my arm will be strong again so dont be tempted to do too much too soon..good luck


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1 December 2007
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Ooh that feeling when it comes off and they bathe it in hot water for the first time in ages :D
Good luck but be ready for just how much muscle wastage you will have.
Mine has been off over a month but it is still lacking any muscle and i have been told no riding for at least six months :(
Fingers crossed for you :)

Hells Bells

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18 September 2011
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ive got the standard distal radius fracture- nothing very exciting in terms of breaks, but was bloody painful! I had a fall off a livery's horse which landed on me (couple of ribs went too!) but the arm was done mainly through the impact of the fall rather then the horse.

Yeah my doctor has said i must take it easy, but im hoping to do a gentle xms hack in a couple of weeks, all being well!

Hope you mend well! How did you do your break?


Well-Known Member
6 June 2009
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Mine too was the Distal Radius - we could set up a club! Got squashed by another horse and kicked to floor. Dont know if it was the squash or the fall that broke it. Painful - yes know all about it. You definitely don't bounce when your older.

Hells Bells

Well-Known Member
18 September 2011
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Christmas Fairy- you poor thing!! 12 weeks, goodness!

Izzwizz- we could start a club, put it in our signatures lol. Youre right though, you definitely dont bounce the way you used to as a kid!


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6 June 2009
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The annoying thing is I cant drive, work, clean teeth properly (although getting better using the left hand), cant write, do horses, lots of things I take for granted. Its my right hand so proving challenging using my left hand to do things. Not being able to write is frustrating too. Gets me out of writing Christmas cards though...


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7 April 2010
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Hats off to you for that, I've tried writing with my left hand and it looks like a spider has walked over the page. Did my S's back to front. Weird!

My s' and z's were all back to front for a while, I can recommend getting a stress ball and squeezing it, doctor recommended 10 reps of 10 on each hand then gradually build it up. I won't lie to you though, when you first get your cast off 10 reps will feel like hell


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24 March 2009
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Can I join the club feel off two weeks ago at a combined training and managed to break both my wrist and my ankle. One from the impact and the other from being stood on. Everything is so hard. Typing takes for every. Everyday things we take for granted. Going to be in cast for between 8-10 weeks could be longer.

Hope everyone gets better soon.

hunting mad

Well-Known Member
19 May 2010
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What happened to you? We have a Cast Club developing here!

I got kicked by a horse many years ago,and left my ankle paralised,so had to wear a plastic splint.It rubbed all of the time causing infections,so i plucked up the courage to have surgery to have it fused together.0ne rod and 5 pins.
I had 6 weeks in cast,and the 6 weeks in an air cast boot.Today i have managed to walk with out crutches,muck out,and push a wheel barrow,and have a bath,instead of shower for the first time since surgery!!


Well-Known Member
6 June 2009
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Can I join the club feel off two weeks ago at a combined training and managed to break both my wrist and my ankle. One from the impact and the other from being stood on. Everything is so hard. Typing takes for every. Everyday things we take for granted. Going to be in cast for between 8-10 weeks could be longer.

Hope everyone gets better soon.

You poor thing, that sounds more painful than mine. You will find that you use your teeth more and I squeeze shampoo into my hand with my knees. Best thing I can say for now is get some good painkillers and as the swelling goes down the pain seems to do the same, My pot at the moment feels like a vice by the end of the day but it is getting better. You will have bad days but i was at Hospital last week and someone was coming down off a ward for xray to a broken back, pelvis and leg. I didnt feel so bad when I heard that.....


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24 September 2010
SW Scotland
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After eight weeks of non weight bearing, most of my time spent lying on my back after sustaining a spiral fracture of my tibia, I was so relieved to get my cast off. The first bath was glorious, accompanied by my scholl hard skin remover!
However, two weeks on from the day my cast was removed, I have been doing physio and geting nowhere fast. My knees are giving me torturous pain, along with my back, which after ten minutes of walking around the barn, forces me to sit, but I am more comfortable lying down.
I am forcing myself to get stuck in round the ponies doing simple things like filling nets, water buckets, feeds, filling the haylage wheelbarrow for the outside ponies but I feel so stupid. Got my foot stuck in a pallet yesterday and thought I had bust it again. Come nine at night I am in agony all over and can hardly lay one foot in front of the other my body hurts so much.
I have been so grateful to my OH and friends who all took up the reins and allowed me to follow the docs orders, but one has gone on a well deserved holiday this week, so I feel I have to fill her boots and not leave it all to the others, they have been so kind.
I am now petrified I am never going to be fit again, my body is in such bad shape. I cant envision ever being up on a horse again and that terrifies me too.
If all continues like this I might as well give my ponies up but lets face it, who would want them in this economic climate? My friends , great as they have been (and they have been magnificent) wouldnt want to do my ponies as a permanent thing.
To all who have been in cast and now out, I hope your woes are not as difficult as mine!!
Bottle of Baileys and a huge plate of brownies for getting this far!!


Well-Known Member
6 June 2009
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After eight weeks of non weight bearing, most of my time spent lying on my back after sustaining a spiral fracture of my tibia, I was so relieved to get my cast off. The first bath was glorious, accompanied by my scholl hard skin remover!
However, two weeks on from the day my cast was removed, I have been doing physio and geting nowhere fast. My knees are giving me torturous pain, along with my back, which after ten minutes of walking around the barn, forces me to sit, but I am more comfortable lying down.
I am forcing myself to get stuck in round the ponies doing simple things like filling nets, water buckets, feeds, filling the haylage wheelbarrow for the outside ponies but I feel so stupid. Got my foot stuck in a pallet yesterday and thought I had bust it again. Come nine at night I am in agony all over and can hardly lay one foot in front of the other my body hurts so much.
I have been so grateful to my OH and friends who all took up the reins and allowed me to follow the docs orders, but one has gone on a well deserved holiday this week, so I feel I have to fill her boots and not leave it all to the others, they have been so kind.
I am now petrified I am never going to be fit again, my body is in such bad shape. I cant envision ever being up on a horse again and that terrifies me too.
If all continues like this I might as well give my ponies up but lets face it, who would want them in this economic climate? My friends , great as they have been (and they have been magnificent) wouldnt want to do my ponies as a permanent thing.
To all who have been in cast and now out, I hope your woes are not as difficult as mine!!
Bottle of Baileys and a huge plate of brownies for getting this far!!

It will all seem bad at the moment but take it easy and dont rush it. It wont happen overnight. Could swimming help you? I remember when I broke my shoulder blade and after 2 weeks we were going on holiday. The Doctor said that the warm weather and going into the baby part of the pool were really good for me as the water supported my weight and I could gently do swimming motions without actually swimming.

I do hope you get better soon. 8 weeks non-weightbearing is a long time and your tendons, ligaments and muscles will all have "gone to sleep". They will all take to time to re-gain strength. Depressing as it may seem at the moment, I bet you will be so much better come Spring. Just tell yourself when your feeling down that it could be so much worse, you may not have been back on your feet atall. Take care x


Well-Known Member
16 July 2011
South Wales
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my cast came off last Thursday :D after 6 weeks in it! Broke Fibula in 2 places and ankle fracture, when the cast came off it was horrific!! I'm hobbling around like an old woman now but it still feels great it coming off - am even hoping for a little ride this weekend :).


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27 April 2004
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How funny! I'm a member of the distal radius fracture club, too!! I am two weeks in, but due to Christmas, they are being very kind and taking my cast off on the 23rd, so I can wear a wrist brace instead.

Fully appreciate the no driving frustration - my poor OH has had a lovely time doing the ponies for me!

I'm actually quite good with my left hand and can write quite legibly. This is a direct result of being a strange child - I used to practice writing with my left hand as I was so scared of breaking something. 30 years later, I'm a smug cow, lol!!

It's more frustrating having my arm in an awkward position. They had to manipulate (it was displaced over), but opted for no pins and a week later it still looked in a good position. So, the long-term plaster (well, fibreglass!) is shaped into a claw-like conformation.

I've been extremelyy lucky. I convinced myself it wasn't broken for 24hrs and didn't go to A and E until after that. Somehow I had a lovely night's sleep, only 7hrs after my fall.

Oh yes. The fall. You lot sound you've all had spectacular/horse-related injuries. Sadly, I proved that pride does indeed come before a splat and did mine showing off ice-skating!! D'oh!

I've done so many funny things one-handed. These include the classic tube squeezing with the knees, watch clasp closing with the knee (got bruises doing that!), one-handed bra-fastening (I am a master!), but the one thing I had to cut out was using my cast to help lever the knife chopping butternut squash. I put a dent in the fibreglass!! Trouble is, I have no pain with mine unless I try to use the actual forearm, so was quite able to use my shoulder to apply weight. Whoopsie.

Oh and I can say it is possible to make a fruit cake and marzipan/ice it and decorate it one handed, too. It takes a lot of swearing, but it's amzing how we can adapt, innit? :D

Get well soon, folks and happy one handed/legged medicinal drinking!

Hells Bells

Well-Known Member
18 September 2011
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Haha yes the bra fastening was a tricky one!! Can safely say I have mastered that now!

Cast is off!!! It feels very, very odd. Went straight in the bath when I got home (my skin looks horrific!!) and there'll be lots of moisturiser going on over the next couple of weeks!

Goodluck to everyone else with theirs, fingers crossed you all heal well :)


22 March 2009
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I had an op last Weds on my ankle, and have a massive dressing on there which will come off on Thurs. i had an op on the other ankle 6 years ago and had a cast for 4 weeks which was awful, and even though this this isn't so bad I can't wait to get it off and have a bath!!


Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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Hope the op has done its job. After reading this earlier I googled my fracture.

WHY THE BLOODY HELL DID I DO THAT??? I gave myself a right heart attack, but then looked at the pics and oooh, I thought mine was displaced. Whatever you do, don't google!!

I've told my OH that when i cast comes off, I am going to have an emotional reunion with my arm and will need to be alone with it for a while. :D


Well-Known Member
6 June 2009
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Hope the op has done its job. After reading this earlier I googled my fracture.

WHY THE BLOODY HELL DID I DO THAT??? I gave myself a right heart attack, but then looked at the pics and oooh, I thought mine was displaced. Whatever you do, don't google!!

I've told my OH that when i cast comes off, I am going to have an emotional reunion with my arm and will need to be alone with it for a while. :D

Love the emotional reunion bit - can picture the scenario - raising a glass springs to mind with a nice chilled wine in it! x