My girl gave me a big scare today....


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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I started work at 6am this morning so I could get down the yard for 10 o/c as the back lady was coming back to see Cropi for a check up. She came in from the field ok but when I took her rugs off and trotted her up she was sssooo lame all on the offside and was really stiff and very reluctant. She was ok in walk, yes she was a bit stiff but nothing that would of made me worry, it was cold last night and assumed it was that. We brought her straight back to the corrall and checked her over, her feet had just been picked out and were not sore, she let me pick her legs up ok but she looked really tucked up and her muscles on her bum were rock hard.

I called the vet as the back lady thought that she was tied up and she wasn't happy (cropi that is) The vet came out and she did give the appearance of being tied up but we had no idea why. She took a blood test to double check, gave her a bute injection and an acp jab too. I wrapped her up and put her in the stable with a haynet. She was quite monged out and chilled when everyone had gone so I waited a bit longer to make sure she didn't fret and then flew off to one of my clients for a couple of hours.

Just as I was getting back to the yard the vet rang and said that her bloods were all clear so she was not tied up but obviously is in discomfort and has got a chill in her botty
She is to stay on stable rest all weekend with just a short walk up the drive tomorrow and Sunday. She looks very sorry for herself and although she is fine with me, she has already tried to take a chunk out of my friend
When I mucked out tonight she has also now lost a shoe but that is nothing to do with the lameness. Its almost like she has stood with her botty to the icy wind last night and has got a frozen bum

I was so relieved that she is not tied up as she nearly died from that with her previous owner. She really gave me a fright but thankfully she is ok.

I have cancelled her clip tomorrow and might now bother now as if she has got a chill I think she needs all the coat she can get!!

Sorry for the waffle


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1 June 2006
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if I personally have stiff muscles etc, I need to move them to get them back to normal, if possible you should consider s few short walks up the drive instead of one.
Only that in the box she cant really move around to flush out any lactic build up in her muscles.
I recently put my back out and the only thing that eased it was a gentle walk.
Sounds like your doing all the right stuff though. Poor girl no wonder she is miserable!!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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I do not think standing in the wind would be the reason - horses are designed for that.

What might be the cause with the cold weather, the horses will lie down more. She might have struggled getting up, it could have been on the fence, or just the slope of the land. It does not take long of 1200 lbs on your muscles for them to be sore for a while.

With this thought - I would be tempted to do a lot more walking then just once a day.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I agree with Bellgave. Wrap her up really warm and take her out for a few decent walks over the weekend. She probably gave her kidneys a chill - one of my horses had the same thing; it had been incredibly windy and with a chill in the air and his tail-flap mustn't have been protecting him quite as it should have. I put extra rugs on him and left him out and he was back to normal the next day.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Thats a good point, I will go up the yard several times tomorrow, so I will see how she is on the 1st one and as long as she is ok I will give her a little wander each time I go up. The vet is coming back out on Monday if she is still stiff. She can wander around the corrall while I'm mucking out her stable as well.

Poor little pickle she is not happy at being in but needs must, its meant to be cold and wet tonight so she is in the best place


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Another good point GT, she could be of been laying down and I would imagine that ground was pretty damn cold last night, very easy for cold to get right into her.

Weezy, I am not going to clip her now. She was only going to have a trace clip anyway but I would rather spend an extra 15 mins dring her off after a ride than her getting this again. I'll get an old hairdryer to take down there!!!

I just wish she could talk and tell me what was wrong