My horse had a fit this morning


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5 April 2010
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As title Now I have 3 days of worry till he gets admitted to Horsepital.
Heard the crashing, then checked the CCTV. Lsted under 2 minutes.

:( things certainly come in 3's. :(


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8 July 2009
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It may be completely coincidental but I think you aren’t far from where I ride a horse (Bucks, Hodgemoor area) and there was a horse on the yard who had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, thought I’d mention it incase of an environmental link although I suspect it’s unlikely.
I hope it’s nothing too serious


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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It may be completely coincidental but I think you aren’t far from where I ride a horse (Bucks, Hodgemoor area) and there was a horse on the yard who had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, thought I’d mention it incase of an environmental link although I suspect it’s unlikely.
I hope it’s nothing too serious
Thank you for this. Your right I will pm you

He was standing at the door, then he started bunny hopping backwards, then turns sideways, then started falling sideways ended up crashing into the door, which is what I heard. struggled to get up, then was wonky and wobbly.

The CCTV is sad and upsetting to see, your beloved horse in this situation.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Thank you for this. Your right I will pm you

He was standing at the door, then he started bunny hopping backwards, then turns sideways, then started falling sideways ended up crashing into the door, which is what I heard. struggled to get up, then was wonky and wobbly.

The CCTV is sad and upsetting to see, your beloved horse in this situation.

I still have footage of my mare having a seizure and it is very difficult viewing.

It is so distressing to witness, hope you are doing ok.

I'm glad he'll be off to hospital soon. I hope they get to the bottom of it quickly. X


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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It's horrid when things like this happen out of the blue. The 2 conditions could be linked or could be random. So far so could this morning he is peacefully waiting at the door for his breakfast. Mind you he was yesterday and the situation changed in seconds.

Fingers crossed that you have a peaceful day. It's very hard when you're unsure of the cause and these things just happen.


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7 May 2011
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My horse has had fits in the past. It's terrifying to see, you have my sympathies.

I found that neuro conditions are poorly understood in horses compared to humans and dogs so isolating a particular cause was tricky to impossible.

However this was 5 years ago so things may hopefully have moved on a bit.

Be very interested to know what the horsepital come up with for you

In the meantime - big deep beds, stable boots, turn out away from strands of electric and fingers crossed!! xx

Polos Mum

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22 September 2012
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I've seen this with cushings - the owner tried to go in the stable and I physically held her back as I genuinely thought (and still do) that the 12.2 pony would have killed her owner thrashing around and nothing we could have done would have held the pony down.

That pony did it 5 -6 times (maybe more in the field as there were unusual field injuries that with hindsight could have been through fitting in the field) over 8 months.
When the cushings was fully controlled / largely through massive weight loss and mag supplements, the fitting stopped and the pony has not had a fit at all in 3 years

I hope you have a similarly positive outcome.


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5 April 2010
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Thankyou for the positive notes, since there have been a few who have been through this, painful as it is. I would post the video but it might up set some members, it is upsetting seeing a horse like this. ON a lighter note, he was acting bright today, even had a really hooley round the field at coming in time with his friends...


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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If you put [spoyler] [/spoyler] around the video, only spell it spoiler it will only show if people press the spoiler button.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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Mine done this while he was suffering with acute laminitis. It was awful to watch, I thought he was having a heart attack or something. He was standing over the door, almost ran backwards then sideways then fell over on to his back. Got up and done the toilet and looked as shocked as I did. Vet came out and diagnosed only a heart murmur and he’s never done anything like it since. I wonder if it’s something to do with pain.


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11 September 2007
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I hope you get some answers. I had a mare who had a seizure in front of me. She went down on the floor but she stayed down and just sort of twitched, shook and trembled. She got up quite calmly but looked very confused. I was about 19 at the time and it really shook me up. The pony was 27 however, and it was sadly the start of her demise with liver failure.

We still aren’t sure if Polly has a seizure about 6 weeks ago. She was on the floor having a snooze and ended up somehow crashing head first into a double bricked wall and cracking the bricks enough to shift them about 4 inches. I’ve not witnessed anything since, and she is back in work now, but I am still watching her like a hawk just in case.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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If you put [spoyler] [/spoyler] around the video, only spell it spoiler it will only show if people press the spoiler button.
wow Thank you, did not know that, I will try it I tried with upload from H&H direct from computer but would not let me add it in so will try You tube

[ /spoiler]

gr8 done it Ty Ycmb
Last edited:


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8 March 2018
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What a beautiful horse ILC. I can well understand why you are so upset but to my untrained eye your horse appears more bewildered than distressed by the episode. I’m not trying to diminish the event - just suggest it was a lot worse for you than your horse in a feeble effort to try and make you feel better. X


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5 April 2010
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Ty QAM. Its the unknown that is worrying me, we all seem to think the worse, then we do the dreaded google, which then makes it worse. I bred him, he is my only home bred foal born to my MOAL He was born in that stable and I love him to the moon and back, he is my last/only link to my beloved mare.

Yesterday while catching in the bottom group of horses, the top lot while waiting hooleyed round bucking and bronking, snorting and blowing, including him.

You are right though by your last comment


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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thanks for posting, he is a beautiful horse and i can understand why it upset you. its rather like what happened to my dog a couple of years ago called vestibular syndrome, which can be linked to a deep ear infection or is just a reaction by a nerve in the base of the ear. my vet said it was a bit like vertigo in humans, my dog did recover and didnt have another attack.. maybe your horse just has an ear infection, fingers crossed for you


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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wow Thank you, did not know that, I will try it I tried with upload from H&H direct from computer but would not let me add it in so will try You tube

[ /spoiler]

gr8 done it Ty Ycmb

No wonder you are upset and worried. I hope they find that something easily treated caused it.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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That is very upsetting to watch. I do remember that my vet was pleased that I'd captured my mare's seizures on video as it helped enormously with diagnosis. So although it's unpleasant it will give the vets something to work with.

I don't know if it will help or not but my mare who had full blown seizures presented differently and would be unconscious throughout.

If you think it would be useful I would be happy to share the video with you. Alternatively their are a few videos on YouTube of both partial and full blown seizures.

Hope you don't have much longer to wait for the vet appointment. X


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Thank you all so much.

Lorry not helping with a duff battery (mechanic slow getting replacement) but charging up the one gd battery tonight and may have to jump start it tomorrow as our appointment with the vet is 12pm . Bloods and other test tomorrow then starving for Thursday for the scope..

Currently acting normally, but thinking back to last Wednesday when the trainer rode him his breathing for very noisy, she said prob due to not been ridden much on the bit for quite a while (1 year) as young girl rides him on a long rein. This could be linked to this fit though will mention that to vet too, all helps