college girl
I went down to see my horse one morning and discovered that multiple hard lumps had appeared over night and were covering nearly all his under belly. I went down to check on him later on and the larger lumps had grown a bit (not a lot but enough for me to notice). I kept him in that night and the following morning more smaller lumps had appeared on his chest and lower part of his shoulder and the smaller lumps from the day before were bigger. I have looked up heat bumps but nothing relates as heat bumps normally occur around the horses back and where the saddle goes. He does react to the odd fly bite but the swellings are normally softer and less prominent. His mother gets protein bumps but he has been on hard feed since June/July last year and have never had any problems. There are a lot of nettles in his field and look tall enough to reach his belly but I’ve looked at images on google of horses allergic reactions to nettles and the lumps appeared much smaller. He now has a fly rug on with a belly cover until I figure out what’s going on. They have gone down since but I’d rather not have another flare up. If I can post photos below I will. Im at a loss as to what these are please help!

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