My horse has started bucking on hacks and won't stop!


New User
19 October 2015
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I've recently got a new horse, roughly about 3 months ago. He is an absolute angel the majority of times but I've noticed recently when I hack and after I've had just one trot, at the next corner he will launch himself into the air and then buck huge. I think he's doing this because a little while ago when the stubble fields were out me and my friend had a couple of gallops across the fields and we did this around 3/4 times which he absolutely loved. He has always been fine to hack never excitable to have a canter or anything but only since then has he started to get over excited and buck. I understand this is completely my fault but whilst he is young I need to get this problem sorted before it escalates. And yes I have had his back checked, saddle fitted and teeth checked, he also has regular turn out. I have tried getting him to go forward but this only fuels him more so he gets more excited and bucks more. He has never shown any signs of bolting, he just goes sideways or backwards bucking almost like he's just exploded. I just need some ideas to help me out. He only bucks after we have turned a corner, he doesn't do it if we go constantly straight and he only does it if I hack in company, if I hack alone he is fine. Thanks you for any help in advance :)


Well-Known Member
30 March 2015
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The best way i have found to stop bucking is to turn them (in a small tight circle if room, otherwise just spin them on the spot). You must do everything possible though to keep the horse moving (i.e. don't let it stop instead of turn). When he feels more relaxed then send on as if nothing happened.
As you know just when he is going to do it, it should be easy to pre-empt the buck. Continuous circles is quite hard work for them so they usually learn to settle quite quickly. You'll probably find it easier to turn one way than the other.
Make sure you don't make the hacks too boring because of worrying about the buck i.e. lots of trotting (and canter if under control) but circle anytime he pulls. Take care also that you are not tightening up (in anticipation) as you come round the corner - this is also where the turn/spin comes in handy as you can still hang on with one rein but the other will be light so that he doesn't feel completely restricted.
Also, you might want to try lots of riding with another horse in a large field, ensuring yours goes politely behind or in front at different paces. This will take out tight corners and give you space for turning.