My horse hates his stable!??


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
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I have no idea why!

We had stables built (well bought them off ebay) but they came and it was quickly obvious they were too small and flimsy for my big 16.2 hunter type. My O/H (non horsey) set too work and built him a stable, complete with re-inforced wind suck/cribbing proof door so he can bite away as much as he likes as opposed to wearing a coller or having no- crib painted everywhere (i thought this less stressfull for him?)
He has rubber mats so no slippery floor, always a nice bed, I never put him in without plenty of hay and he's never in alone. I dont tack up or do anything work associated in his stable nor has he ever had injections/dentist or anything else. Its only ever been a place he eats and sleeps.
But he's not happy in there :-( I feel bad for my o/h who put so much time, money and effort into this! but mainly of course i dont like knowing he's not very settled in there and not understanding why!
Any Idea's? or ideas as to what i can do to settle him? He's very settled at the yard in general and was ok in his last yard where he was stabled much of the time with no problem so its not like him.


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Has he been in a stable before?
I can't be much help I'm afraid, Ned hates stables too, but that's because he had an accident in a trailer and associates small spaces with his accident. Also because someone put him in there at a show and he smashed the door off it's hinges :p

Hope you can find a solution! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
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Hi Yes he has- I used to be his groom so his routine was not down to me and he was stabled from about 4pm til 11am never with any bother, he just dozed at the back!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Does he have neighbours? Does he get on with them? Is he used to being able to see/touch other horses? Can he do this in his new stable? Is there a draught? Anything he can smell? What can he see from his stable?
Just a few ideas, I hope you get it sorted soon.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Can he see his field from the stable ? And could he not see it at the other yard.
We have three stables where the winter turnout field can be seen from them and some horses never settle well . If I move them to the other yard where it an arena view they are usually fine.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
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Are the stables external or inside a barn? My mare was massively unsettled in her stable last winter kicking the Walls and generally stressing and she was in an American Barn. We have moved her to the last stable where she can see out of the barn and she is much happier.

We think it must have been her first time in a barn (was with me but I have only had her 2 years) and she was perhaps claustrophobic!


Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
West Midlands
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Mine baby when she got used to stables in general as a 6 month has always been perfect in her stable even when nothing else in - the stable was in an american barn and she could see horses opposite when they were in, when we moved she hated the stable, it was in a corner at rightangles to a line of stables and she couldn't see into anyone elses stable and could only see heads when they had them over the door - she was awful never settled always stressed, we moved again to a yard with a set up like the first, american barn can see into other stables - she loves it again, couldn't care less whether others are in or not she just likes low walls, high ceilings and the ability to be nosey!! Xx