Well-Known Member
i have had my mare for just 9 weeks and in that time she has had bouts of intermittent lameness. Vet came out yesterday as she was bleeding from her vagina and her udders were hot,swollen, cue anti-biotics and danilon or 5 days in case of infection as a small tear was found just inside her lady bits! she was then examined for lameness and vet couldn't pin point the problem as it was only slight. she spoke to the back lady who was on the yard doing another horse and asked her to check her out. seems my poor mare is banana shaped! her left side is really tight. her neck was out of sync, her sternum was to the left and her spine from her loins back was 'zig-zagged' and sore!!! my poor girl I feel so guilty. I have ridden her like that! she was treated there and then and if no lameness in 7 days, will be treated again. we r all hoping that this is why she goes lame. what I forgot to ask is how she got like that? so if there are any 'back'men/ladies' on here that can advise, I'd be very grateful thanku