Well-Known Member
Hi This is my first post, but I often come on here lurking! Today I took my horse out hunting for the first time in a while, since taking him cubbing a few times. He has always behaved fine, but today he was stood quietly and some one's horse got zapped by a electric fence and it ran straight into his behind. My horse then kicked it and I was given a hunting whip and told to smack him to tell him off. I did as I was told and went home shortly after as I was worrying he would do it again. I'm not new to hunting and hunted from 11 years old until I went to abroad to work at 18, but have not done much since. I was made to feel so bad and I'm not even sure Ire bother to go again. No one would speak with me and I felt a complete out cast. Does any one have any advice? Thanks for reading