My horse - with some pics


I know this should probably be in the gallery but no-one seems to look in their and this is more of the history of my horse aided by some pics!!! I have posted some of the latter pics before but i just came across the earlier ones today and I think they look cool together to show the development so that's why i'm posting the others again!!!

So I got her in 1998, she was 2 and I was 12, she had never been handled or been anywhere or seen anything.......when she got dropped off it was in a trailer with side unload and the drive is single width with grass on either side, the side ramp opened on the other side of the drive to the stables so she came out onto the grass and had to cross the drive, she was so scared as she had never even seen gravel before....she stood at the edge of the drive wanting to cross but she didn't dare (she looked like she was at the edge of a water jump when they shuffle and then go back again!) she did this for a minute and then lept all the way ovr the drive to the other side!!!!!!!

This is her in the field in summer 1999


This is at her first show in summer 2000, I had started breaking her in the Aprill, she was 4 and i was 14 (check out my toes!!!


Then in the Winter of 2004 we got to the H&H Winter dressage champs


And that summer went to the National Dressage Champs, she is 8 at this point. We won a saddle for being the highest placed under 21 at the nationals!!! And at the regionals we had won a bridle and a trophy for bieng the mare with highest %age at the regionals!!!!


Then the next winter (2005 - just bere her 9th birthday) we were back at the H&H Winter Champs


I don't have any more recent pics on my laptop - the last one is even quite outdated - but i hopefully you can see the progress we have made!!!!!!! I can't remember her ever looking as babyish as she did at the first show - i almost didn't recognise her when i saw the pic!!!!!!
I also can't believe the difference in her outline from the winters 04 to the winters 05 - i hadn't realised her way of going had changed so much!!! (and my position....i look horrid in the winters 04 pic!!!)
Anyway, hope you like!!!!!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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Wow - fab pics! You should be very proud of the way you have brought her on! I do like that photo of her at her first show though - she really has that baby look of not knowing exactly what is going on!



TGM I know what you mean....I look at that pic next to the last one and i can't believe how far she has come - in the first show she looks so confused and babyish and in the last one she looks so grown up.
I'm like a mother with her child!!!!!!!!!!!!


by the way, is my sig still the right size because last time i posted a pic which is in it, it made it go huge!?


I have loads more pics that i wanted to include but my scanner is broken, so i basically don't have one anymore...that is why it stops in 2005 - she's so different again now!!!
At least with fewer pics and longer time spaces between each it shows the difference more.

I really want a new scanner to post now pics!!