My new horse


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5 February 2015
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Got my new horse in Sunday, everything was fine all good. Let her out in to the field Monday morning and she went mad was running and jumping around everywhere! I thought maybe it's because it's a new stable/field so she's letting energy off.

Let her out today, same thing happened and she would not stop! Is this going to be a normal thing? I don't want the livery to think she's out of control!!

Any advice muchly appreciated!


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11 June 2010
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Completely normal :) I'm sure she will settle - does she have company? If it continues and you are worried, ride her first thing in the morning before she gets turned out.

Congratulations on your new horse - hope you have fun with her :)


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7 March 2008
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Our new one also arrived at the weekend - atm he does the same when turned out in the morning, but have noticed today he settled a lot quicker to graze today than yesterday.

It is totally normal - they are in a new place, with new horses and new routines, so bound to be unsettled. Hopefully in a couple of weeks this behaviour will stop.

Whilst she is settling in, try to keep to a routine and only give minimal hard feed - spring is not far off and all horses are easier once the weather improves.

This time of year in the worst to get a new horse as the weather is unpredictable, and unless you are very lucky, most of us are running out of grass and battling with mud and grumpy horses instead. Having said that we have bought our last 2 horses in Feb so would have thought we would have learnt a lesson by now!!!