Have been thinking lately about the issues of hunting and I still can't decide whether I am pro or anti .... what do you all think? I've made a poll with the questions I have been asking myself to see what you lot think.
....and you can't watch hounds work when dragging or with bloodhounds? Or does there have to a live animal at the end of it to make it fun?
I ride in countryside, I grew up at a yard in Aberdeenshire surrounded by sheep farms, check out the area if you dont believe me. There was no hunting with hounds and little snaring, I know because a knew a lot of the farmers there and I often came across rabbit snares but never fox snares while out riding. In scotland you can ride most places, we have different land laws but most of our surrounding farmers gave us access willingly.
Are you really thinking about what you see or just perpetuating a long held rural myth?