My Poor Boy-Exhusting few days.Long!


Well-Known Member
27 February 2006
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Gosh what a few days it's been. What started out on Sunday as a weenie cut on James leg turned in to a full blown disaster with us nearly losing him.

The poor man woke up on Sunday morning with a very swollen off-side fore. This is very strange for him as he's never lame and such a robust chap. Called the vet as could find no reason for the swelling or lameness, and after much searching a cut no bigger than a pin prick was located at the base of his heel.

Fair enough we thought, keep him in, keep it clean (poultice etc.), give him some antibiotics and all sorted in a few such luck.

Got a call at work on Monday morning telling me that James had developed colic, which I found very odd as he'd not had it in the 14 years he's been with us. Told Mum to keep him walking around the school and get the vet back up.

So vet visits again and does all the necessary, internal examinations, flushing in fluids, pain relief, blood tests......Poor James with tubes all up his nose etc. By this time He's looking really poorly, lost all colour in his eyelids and gums and generally feeling really rough.

So I get back from work and straight up to see him and oh my, I've never sen him look so awful. He was grinding his teeth, his breath smelt dreadful, really acrid, he wasn't passing anything except wee, He had stone cold ears etc even with 2 rugs and his coat on (he was sue to be clipped when I got off my crutches!).

So called the vet again and after much discussion another visit agreed. We wrapped him up in 3 quilts and stable bandages and while peicing the jigsaw together it was realised that a soil dwelling bug of some description had managed to infect that tiny tiny knick that we didn't even know existed, caused the swelling of the leg and that his guts were now full of nasty toxins that were trying to shut down all his internal systems. We gave him pain relief, stuff to kill the toxins, antibiotics to kill the infection, probiotics to help with his digestive system, electrolytes as he wasn't taking in any food or water..............and then we had to just wait. Prognosis 60%-40% in his favour, but we had to understand he was very ill.

I've never felt so sick with worry, no chance of sleep or eating, I stayed at the yard for all but two hours. When I returned it took me a good 5 minutes to approach his stable - I just didn't know if he would still be with us. Anyway, the sod was flat out sound asleep. I couldn't see him breathing under all the rugs. Eventually he flicked an ear and started to wake up but my god he'd nearly given me heart failure! Then there were mass celebrations because at bang on 7am he had a poo!

Anyway by Tuesday the vet says he has to go on a drip as he's so dehydrated. Thankfully we were allowed to do this at home so he didn't have to go to the college. James was an angel. We got him in position so he could lounge over the door of his box and connected him all up. Then we sat there for about 4 and a half hours as the fluids were fed into him. He was so good, only fidgeting occassionally (and I became quite adept at changing the drip bags!) Anyway here's what he looked like all hooked up:

As the last bag of fluid was going in he fell asleep over the door and managed to dislodge the needle from the vein, so we ended getting around 13 of the 15 litres of fluid in to him.
Some of his blood results came back that day too and it confirmed at least that his liver and kidneys were functioning normally which was a relief.

He started to be interested in food at this stage too so we gave him sloppy bran mash with baileys no 1 in to coax him and he ate a bit and nibbled some hay.

On Weds morning bang on 7am again he had another poo, which was again much celebrated. He'd eaten his bran/baileys supper and some hay so things were looking up.

He had two lots of in hand grazing yesterday too which he adored and after eating to more meals and more hay this morning I was greeted with FOUR poos. He'd also drunka specific amount of water eaten more hay and devoured a breakfast while I was mucking out!

Hopefully things are looking up and the brave man has turned a corner. I can't believe how hard he has fought back at the age of 22.

I'm now looking forward to a good nights sleep without worrying and posting pictures of him looking bright eyed and back to normal! Its also been amazing just how super people have been, vets, other liveries who have worried every minute with me and my die hard parents how have given so much support time and effort over the last few days so a mahoovious public thank you too all of them.

Sorry for such a long post but I thought I'd share my last few days with you all - thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
27 February 2006
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Weren't we lucky they found it. I have to say my vet is a godsend and the others that have visited us this week have proved to be equally as fab too. Don't know how to thank them enough - apart from maybe pay my bill on time!!!!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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OMG just makes you realise how quickly things can go wrong.

Im so pleased he pulled through and well done you for putting in all that effort!

Huge hugs and hugs to James too



Well-Known Member
27 February 2006
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Thanks - I'll definitely update everyone as to how he's coming along.

Forgot to say the other day really like the look of Snoopy, he should make a cracking eventer.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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how awful for you and him, i do hope he has a swift recovery.

wierdly enough the same thing happened to a pony at my yard, he had a tiny cut on his leg, his leg swelled up to huge proportions, he got colicy symptons, vet came cut had been infected and pony had to go on a drip......pony is fully fit now and made a quick recovery.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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Gosh. Goes to show how careful and vigilant you need to be....well done to you & your vet for all the correct action in time to save him. Here's to a full recovery! (Chink!)