my poor girl had colic this morning


Well-Known Member
6 September 2005
Warks/Worcs border
It was very weird, she went out in the field as normal around 9am, so frost all gone, ate breakfast and haylage as normal, droppings all normal, she went out with my other two had a canter round and grazing like normal, then she just lay down!

I thought it was a bit weird but she is a horse with no inhibitions and often does odd things! Went over and she was looking at her side and kept curling her lip up like stalllions do, i bought her straight in and called vet as she lay down as soon as i got her in. 2 mins later she was flat out on her side closing eyes breathing really fast, so i called vets again and said she was worse, in my desperation i also called the vet's mobile (naughty!), i walked her round and by time vet here she loads better (typical!) gave her muscle relaxant after listening to her gut, he said oh my god when he listened to it so must have been bad! She is Ok now got to go back AGAIN later to check her.
Poor baby!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
I know how you feel!
My boy had never had any problems, then in the space of a week had two bouts of spasmodic colic.
Nothing had changed, feed, work, routine etc all the same, but both times it happened i was riding when he started to go down; which was V scary.
He responded well to homeopathic remedies whilst i was waiting for the vet; i gave, nux vom and (i think, they are at the yard) colicinthis (sp) which helps with wind.
I also started feeding coligone, as he wind sucks.
One other thing, the vet said to try feeding hay instead of haylage, as it is easier on the gut.
I read an article the other day in a magazine, which said that during the end of october and november there is a big increase in colic cases. Maybe with the weather being so mild this year, the on set of this increase might have been delayed untill november/ december?
I hope she is OK, and it doesn't happen again.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
Visit site
Could I suggest if you don't already to worm your horse at least every 6-8 weeks. Use a wormer with a different active ingredient each time so as to catch all the worms. If you have not ben worming that regularly then worm with two different wormers (different active ingredients) within a couple of weeks of each other.