my poor little fiesta (long)


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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When i arrived home last night, my next door neighbours had visitors with a big builders truck. I parked my car behind it quite close so that my car wasnt blocking the garage entrance next to my house. i made a mental note to look out of the window when they were leaving as i was aware of how close i had parked. my neighbours moved their car a bit further down the road so that they could just drive out forwards last night.

Well i looked out of my window (my car was parked about 1 foot away from back of truck) when they were leaving and watched as they started the truck, put it in REVERSE and then I screamed as i heard the crunch of my fog light cracking and my bumper being scraped and then WATCHED THEM DRIVE OFF. my OH and my step dad went out and had a look and made a note of damage. they then went next door and told my very drunken neighbours what had happened.

At 8am this morning, they returned and started basically calling me a liar and saying that they would have noticed if they had hit my car etc etc etc. i dont know what to do cuz its my word against theirs even tho I SAW them do it with my own eyes!

It was such a horrible noise and brought back memories of when i drove into the back of a car back in june.

I dont know what to do

my workmates are not helping-just saying oh well that will teach me!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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You need to get the lorries number plate and company name and inform your insurance. You need to act quick as there will be paint scrapings from your car on the truck as eveidence, so you don't want them cleaning it off their truck. I personally would not confront them but if you give your insurance as much info as possible they will deal with it, because as a builders business they should have insurance cover for this type of thing! Good luck.