My Reading


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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PLEASE dont make any defamatory comments! And this was a reply on the thread that disappeared - luckily I clicked back and got it!

As you all know had a reading last night with Holly - I didnt want to write about it last night as I was tired and also I wanted to speak to the horse's owner about everything that was said as he isnt mine - now I am open to all of this and I am also a rational person!

Yes, sceptics could say that a lot of what was said could be transferred to any horse

Yes, it is POSSIBLE that the horse was looked up, HOWEVER I didnt say which horse it was until the reading happened, and I have had rather a few!

Yes, some things could be deduced through questions asked

However, I have some things to work on and I will tell you what I think in a few days - the reading was more to do with what we could do to make HIM happier, and I need time to implement stuff to see - however I spent time talking to him this morning then had a really great ride in the school, MUCH more relaxed than usual, until I went to ride home via the farm remembering what i had been told and it almost ended in me hitting the deck so thats the kind of thing I need some time to ponder on and see if we have any noticeable differences

His owner says that what he said about her is not really very true though - also what was said about his rug phobia was VERY interesting and made me well up BUT his owner says that the circumstances that were described were nigh on impossible due to the location of the field plus the fact it happened in daylight

As for the chat we had about Splodge - that was interesting and she got his personality down to a T, that he pretends to be OK with life whereas in reality he really isnt (true) and more - but I need to transcribe the whole lot for it to make sense

So, leave it with me for now


Well-Known Member
30 November 2004
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His owner is a sceptic and probs should trust people more-a lot of it did make sense and some of the stuff couldnt have been known to Holly, never been posted on the forum and even Weezy hasnt witnessed some of the finer points which she picked up on and are true


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25 March 2005
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I was going to get into this business - I am quite good.


From this picture I can tell you this horse likes eating.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Now reading the replies to this post (I honestly do not know what is defamatory and what isn't any more so I REALLY apologise Weezy if this gets deleted
) can you see a pattern forming?? You are all now thinking "ooh if she isn't too expensive then maybe I'll get one done"......come on!

Right I'm off to read about how to communicate with insects...........



Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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I wasn't going to get embroiled in these posts about readings etc.
But....... I had two done on two different horses, by different people...

The first was a reading from which was required a clipping of pony hair and photo. As I didn't know the pony's past I can't say if any of it was right
but we were given some treatments (potions, natural) to assist the pony. Pony loved the stuff and seemed to be better, however, I did have to sell her as her problems were too much.

Second reading, done via a photo. Now this horse, we do know his past as his owner bred him and kept him for years until she loaned him. The reading I got, had I not known his past, would have troubled me. As it is, 99% of it is very um, not right.... Some of it said:
He appears to have a little more interest in others, more people than
horses, and less in just himself.

Wherever it was that he was born seems to be outside, bleak and cold. There seem to be smaller ponies around, all in a miserable state.

tish tosh! He was bred by owners own mare and treated like a prince...

He seems to have belonged to someone, so it isn't like a pony living entirely wild, but had little contact with people until he was about three. He was resentful of the lack of comfort that he could have experienced had he been born in a stable or with more human contact.
What rot! How the 7uck could a horse know of such luxuries as a warm stable? Horses just don't think ' well if I had a nice duvet I would be cosy toasty'.... This made me angry!
His first expereinces of humans made him think they were something dangerous to avoid. He was also weaned early and suddenly left in the cold without the only horse he could trust, his mother. His relationships with other
horses were impaired as he only wanted his mother back, any other horse would not do and he hadn't got a similar horse for a friend. He has been lonely ever since.

By the time he was five, he didn't feel any better. Humans still shouted and hit horses, so they were best avoided and if that wasn't possible, warned off. He got into a viscious circle of behaviour that got him what he wanted, to be left alone. Approaches to him only succeeded if they
were made by people who were sensitive to his needs.

I don't know what work you do with him, as he shows me bucking and being hit with a whip, as his association with riding. Even leading seems to be a problem as he pulls unpredictably when being lead.

Once again, tosh. The horse enjoyed endurance rides and jumping and was a police horse for a while........

He is feeling more relaxed now, but there is stiffness from an old injury in his front near side leg and shoulder. He also has a tilt in his pelvis that brings his off hind hip forwards. His tail is tightly clamped too.

He shows me eating now - apples in a feeder that hangs on a stable door.

and so on......

If I didn't know my horses' past most of this would have horrfied me! He had the most loving upbringing......
Anyway, I am very sceptical now, most of the things said could be said of any horse, a picture can tell a different story to the truth and anyone can make up a story from one photo. I would maybe have a hands on reiki expert in to help with a problematic horse but never will waste 25 quid again (few bags of chaff and mix instead!).

Sorry, this dreadfully long. I wont mention names as everyone has a right to have a business/job in whatever aspect they so choose. But I do wish some would be more careful, as vulnerable (gulliable) people can be misled and end up doing the wrong thing for their horse.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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"From this picture I can tell you this horse likes eating."

I can add to that!
Not only does it like eating, but it has a friend who is a small grey pony!

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You are not very good - he is letting the pony know to go and eat [****]!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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TBH the reading I had done on Axel wasn't very accurate at all

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I had a look at his picture - basically his concern was why you geld him, he thinks he is great, and would be a great breeding stallion - he would quite like 'the sexy time' with the mares.

Oh he also told me you do not give him enough carrots.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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AlexBomb - some of us are just gifted at communicated with our equine friends.

Think of your fav. horse - it is friends with a brown horse. Isn't that right? See there is something to it.