My story and book recommendations


30 July 2017
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I thought I would share my short journey so far into horse riding with you all.

Up until 3 weeks ago I would not even go near a horse. I had a "fear", which I think was mainly down to my mum saying she had a fear of horses for as long as I can remember. Both my horse mad daughter's started riding at a local riding school and I would stay as far away from the horses as I could. During one of their lessons 4 weeks ago, I thought to myself, I need to get over this stupid feeling I get when I am around horses (my "fear") so booked in on a group session the following week.

All week I was umming and ahhing and even driving to the lesson on the Sunday afternoon was thinking of ways of getting out of it. I was a little apprehensive when going near the horse to start off with but once I got on her and started riding, it was as if I had been riding forever. It felt so natural, it still does and I have well and truly fallen, hook line and sinker for both horses and riding. My instructor has commented how I have taken to it like a duck to water and how she cannot believe that I have never ridden before, which is obviously boosting my confidence.

Like I said I have only been riding for 3 weeks but my instructor says I have already mastered the rising trot and I also had a go at cantering last week, which was only a short burst but it has given me the thirst for more! I am going to see if I can book a 1 to 1 session every week as I have certainly got the bug.

I am wanting to learn as much as I can about riding and horses so I am looking for recommendations of any books that will help me?

I can't believe I wasted all those years having a "fear" that I now feel wasn't of horses but of the unknown and wish I'd have taken it up years ago (I am 30). How did you all get into horses and riding?


Well-Known Member
28 September 2016
W. Yorks
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There are lots of great books, the British Horse Society have a 'Complete manual of stable management' and the 'complete manual of equitation' both of which I recommend and are really thick so they will keep you out of trouble for a while. This forum is also a great help if you are struggling with anything!

I am 25, I had my first riding lesson on a pony at my auntys yard on my 2nd birthday. I have ridden ever since and spent a lot of my teenage years riding friends horses and also riding at a BHS approved local riding school. When I was 17 I loaned a green Arab from a friend and helped bring her on before I moved to uni at which point I more of less stopped riding an became a gym freak. I got a great job after uni but left 3 years later and I now work for my familys engineering business - I though as seen as I was doing way less hours and working a lot closer to home I would bite the bullet and buy my own horse. I had a few nasty falls when I was younger so wanted something young but safe and sensible. After lots of searching I bought my newly broken 4yr old mare. She is hard work but very rewarding. I thought I knew it all but since I have become a horse mum I actually realised I totally know nothing even after doing my BHS stage 1 and 2 qualifications!!

Good luck and happy riding!


30 July 2017
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Yey! Thank you for replying, I was starting to think nobody cared lol!

I shall definitely look both of those books up and am enjoying going through people's posts on here so far ��


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I would read some of Mark Rashid's books. Very easy to read, and a story about how he learned about horsemanship. I love Life Lessons of a Ranch Horse, it will certainly put the individuality of horses to the fore. There is also A good Horse is never a Bad Colour, and many more. It is just a different perspective, and very sound horsemanship.


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14 September 2006
liverpool uk
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I've just finished diary of a wimpy eventer, how to get your leg over, not an educational book but just a real feel good, honest, tug at your heart strings read. Will put a smile on your face and make you cry at the same time. i also love a good autobiography pippa funnells is excellent and william fox pitts. Makes you realise that even the best in the world have bad days to.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2016
W. Yorks
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I've just finished diary of a wimpy eventer, how to get your leg over, not an educational book but just a real feel good, honest, tug at your heart strings read..

You can also follow wimpy eventer on facebook and Instagram - her posts are great!

P.s we really do care it just takes someone to get the ball rolling. Ive lost count the amount of times i write a reply to a post then just delete it because i think my advice or experience is not good enough lol


30 July 2017
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Thanks everyone, I have them all written down so I can search Amazon later on :)

I nearly didn't post my story thinking nobody actually wants to know but it was Shirl who inspired me