My story ...

29 July 2005
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... not sure where to post this but here is one of my story's about my pony!

Hi! My name is Captain and I am a 14.2 hands gelding and I am going to tell you a very cheeky and mischievous story!

Friday 3rd February 2006

Today I have been having some fun! Oh yes! I was in my stable wearing my smart expensive turnout rug impatiently waiting for those slow coaches to HURRY UP and come and turn me out. I’m not like that Rosie - kick, kick, kicking at her stable door. As if that would work! I keep telling her that trying to bash the door down won’t get her anywhere and will only make the slow coaches think she is bad mannered and a moody mare (which she is) but anyway - there I was standing in my stable. The blonde slow coach was changing Freddie’s rugs next door. I watched her and when she was faced the other way I stuck my tongue out at Freddie cheekily. Freddie gave me a grumpy look. He always does that - I think it’s because he’s old but I suppose even I would look like that if I had his owners! Anyway, the slow coach carelessly slung Freddie’s stable rugs over my stable wall, not realising that I was watching and waiting! Ha ha! Then as soon as the slow coach was out of sight, I had a quick check - nobody else was around and the yard was silent.
Quick as a flash I grabbed the rug expertly between my teeth and flipped it into my stable! I sniffed it suspiciously and snorted at it. I pawed at it with my hoof, in case it wanted to play with me but it just lay, limp and lifeless in the straw. I experimented picking it up and throwing it about. I could feel something soft and spongy in the middle
“Food maybe?” I thought. Then, I ripped it open to reveal - STUFFING! I thought it was a new type of haylage at first but when I tried to eat it, it just got stuck to my tongue. So I made a furry nest out of it. I made a pretty fluffy ring shape right around me and then dumped the old rug cover in a corner. Then I stood there - I was very proud of myself! That will shock his owners!
All of a sudden, the blonde slow coach appeared and you should have seen her face! It was a picture - I think that it I had a camera (and known how to work one) I would have taken a picture of her and framed it on my stable wall! Anyway, she then took me out to the field and I excitedly told Albert what I had done. Albert grumpily told me that I should act my age and stop getting into so much mischief! Humph! Just because he is Mr Perfect! I didn’t get to the see the bunnies faces until later but they were still very shocked! The only downside to this is that the fairies (my owners) have got to pay for a new rug for Freddie and he is very smug about this fact because he got a new rug out if it! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and his new rug is on order so he is still wearing his ripped rug at the moment! J

Oh well, that’s all for now colts and fillies, mares and geldings, but I can assure you - I have many more adventures to come!

comments welcome
29 July 2005
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Naughty pony - must not let him ever near my little boy - he is bad enough without hearing stories like this.

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lol! It is actually based on my cheeky pony but I have changed his name for the story from Pugwash to Captain! geddit?!