Active Member
Ok so I've had my lovely mare a month now. First of all I've had her teeth back and saddle all checked and no problems there . She is bomb proof out hacking . Nothing scares her and she fills me with confidence . Only thing is , she doesn't stop ! So at junctions im leaning back , putting weight in the saddle and asking her to stop . She just carries on . If I ask her to trot that's no problem. Just bringing her back to walk is ! I've noticed she crosses her jaw and pulls very hard against me .I ride her in a Fulmer snaffle as she's only 6 And it helps with steering . Anyways I thought I'd practise stopping in the school . To my surprise in the school she is sooo soft in her mouth . Not strong at all . Hardly any pressure on the reins and she comes back lovely to me. Totally stuck now . Any ideas about stopping her hacking is greatly appreciated !