not sure if this is the proper term, but my horse was shod on wednesday. fine on wednesday i rode him then and nothing wrong. thursday very uncomfortable on it, continualy lifting it and hopping lame when could actually get him to walk. same on friday so vet came out on friday, took shoe off and found that a nail was in too deep very near his toe. been told to poultice it ove the weekend, to see if an abscess has formed due to the pressure of the nail. have been poulticing it and when i have been takin the poultice off there has been no pus or nasty stuff that he had when he had an abscess last year. however he is still very very uncomfortable. refusin to put weight on it, isnt lifting it in the air and shaking it continually as before but still unwilling to walk on it. in his self he is fine though eating, drinking going to the loo etc. turned him out into starvation paddock yesterday but kept in today as he didnt want to walk out so i left him in and he was fine. he's been having bute for the pain. just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience or has any advice?thanks alot