Well-Known Member
I posted a while back about our pony. He's adorable and generally a very good boy and great for my daughter but at some point when off lead rein he decides he's had enough and naps back to where he wants to go - I.e gate / exit. This napping consists of twisting / pulling / moving his head about to evade the bit and walking / very slow trotting to get to where he wants to go, he's not unsafe or trying to unseat his rider. He's 12h and my daughter is 6 she's fab on lead rein but this is just unsettling her a bit as a rule she can pull him up and turn him but she's not happy about it and feels out of control. I have had small adults on board and he's good as gold so It's very minor and he knows he can get away with it with a little jockey. I intend to get her lessons and we are trying schools elsewhere (as we ride in a sectioned off bit of our field at the mo) any other tips? I noticed he opens his mouth when doing it so have a flash ready for next time . (Teeth have literally just been done so it's not that) saddle properly fitted etc. I am just after some tips and advice on what we can do to nip this in th bud. Thank you