Naughty Bad Cob Blob Goes to a Show! (Show Survived!)


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Went to a local show yesterday & MD decided she would enter 'Novice Junior Rider' (for complete beginners to showing etc.) - no idea why but she spent weeks practising to get him to behave etc! (Refused to wear jodphur boots, presumably feeling 'safer' in her long riding boots in case he decided to play up! LOL)

Spent two days washing & preening him (he was good as gold!), chalked him through etc. on show morning (despite the foul weather!) & was at least rewarded by neighbouring peoples' comments of "Wow, lovely, how on earth did you get him so clean?" as he came off the lorry! *beams proudly*

Unfortunately, he became very stroppy when SJ friend decided to take her horse 'for a walk round' & he started shrieking like a banshee & getting dangerously over-excited!
Went to get a coffee when MD came running for OH on the instructions of YO, who'd told her "Go & get your dad NOW...I can't hold onto him much longer!"

Apparently a horse had slipped as someone had put their ramp down & the almighty bangs that ensued had initially spooked him but as he'd gone to run, YO had grabbed him & hung on for dear life!
After much cantering & plunging on the spot, he then threw a violent tantrum at being restrained & started striking out with his front legs & then rearing, at which point YO told MD to GET OFF, as in "Get your feet out of the stirrups & JUMP for it!"
(It was then she sent poor child to fetch hefty 17 stone OH to anchor him down, as CB's favourite MO is to spin round a few times, pick a direction & just GO, whether you're holding on or not & YO could see he was about to disappear at any moment, so was understandably panicking somewhat!)

Attached to OH, he calmed down almost instantly, poor terrified witless child bravely clambered back into the saddle & the horrid creature was LED round the warm-up area on a ruddy leadrope would you believe, OH only unclipping it as they were calling their class in!
(Knowing him so well, we made a judgement call that as he'd now had his 'mega strop' for the day, he would probably be perfectly fine & safe to inflict on the rest of the class/judge etc. if MD kept her wits about her, so she went in!)

He behaved very, very well indeed (for CB!), restricting himself to flinging his head around, although he was clearly angered by the other much slower ponies in front of him, as he likes to power on in trot & MD had to turn a lot of circles etc. to keep him back from the others!

She only came 6th out of 10 but we were all immensely proud of both of them, as the weather turned into torrential rain & conditions couldn't have been any worse really & he had been sooooo naughty outside the ring just minutes before.........!

Anyway, here's a few piccies! Any comments gratefully received! (We already know he's not very pretty, refuses to go on the bit, is stroppy, bolshy & that the child is wearing the wrong kind of boots, so don't be tooooo cruel! LOL)
At least he stayed in the ring, didn't stamp on anybody & didn't mow the judge down, which for him, is a MAJOR improvement! BTW, we met another couple of people that 'remembered' him......more 'git' comments etc. Poor CB, he seems to be somewhat infamous!

And they're off, no going back now! LOL

So far, so good on the warm-up circuits!

Lined up, ready to do their bit!

Doing their individual show!

Bit of trotting individually! Her hands are beginning to wobble at this point, I think probably with terror, as she was about to canter but he did it fine, being one of the few to strike off on the right leg on both reins (practised for weeks!) AND he was trying to nap back to the rest of the line-up but she bravely kicked on & kept him going! LOL

Part of the final line-up! And the rain was bucketing down at this point!

Torrential conditions in the prize-giving, poor kids all had bowed heads & were like drowned rats at this point! Ponies had either given up, refusing to stand the right way round or were trying to leave the ring! LOL

Finishing off their lap of honour & the rain now stops! Grrr!


Well-Known Member
2 September 2005
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Well done MD and CB!! He looks absolutely fab, and all congrats to your daughter for getting on him after he'd been such a pig in the warm up


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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I was supposed to be Eccie show - what a shame I didnt we could have met!

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The conditions were foul......torrential rain, unbelieveable levels of mud & the tractors working full time from the word go, pulling stuck lorries off the showground! (People were turning round & leaving as they arrived, it was so bad!)

I thought MD was crying with disappointment (or possibly terror!) as she came out the ring but she said "No, I'm just so c-c-c-cold!"
The inside of the Volvo has to be seen to be believed!


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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MD is a star, from the posts I've read about CB she's worked wonders! A big "well done!" from me, particularly for taking him in a class in those conditions after a temper tantrum!!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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CB looks beautiful and he's very well-ridden by MD...

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Thank you - I imagine the poor child was absolutely petrified tbh!

Strange... he doesn't LOOK like a tantrum-prone loon does he???!!

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No he doesn't & that's half the problem - sometimes there is little or no warning of what he's about to do & the combination of him being rather insecure & nervous, coupled with a nasty temper on occasions is a little worrying but most of the time (& with careful, sympathetic handling!), he's absolutely fine but in all honesty, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him, in certain situations I have to say but we understand him I think & know when & where to be careful & cautious, which is half the battle, isn't it?

Rather sadly, we heard a rather worrying & unpleasant tale about him in the past at the show but we didn't mention it to MD & I'm trying not to dwell on it but I can't say I'm totally surprised, as we already realised for ourselves that there was a problem in that area!


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Can't add anymore than what the others have written!
She has done a fantastic job on him and his appearance was stunning.
That is one very strong minded daughter you've got there; I'd be as proud as punch of her (I know you are!) especially after his little strop; what a clown he is!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Rather sadly, we heard a rather worrying & unpleasant tale about him in the past at the show but we didn't mention it to MD & I'm trying not to dwell on it but I can't say I'm totally surprised, as we already realised for ourselves that there was a problem in that area!

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Oh dear! Well, knowing him as well as you do, and being prepared for his 'moments' with any luck you'll be able to keep one step ahead of him! Hope so, anyway!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Well, knowing him as well as you'll be able to keep one step ahead of him!

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More 'one step to the side of him' it would seem! Apparently, some poor girl went past with a bucket of food & when it was clear it wasn't going to him, he swung round in sheer temper & purposely kicked her full on, so hard he knocked her to the ground!

All kids/adults at yard have now been told to give him an even wider berth, just in case, although we have conquered most of the food-related strops I think, all of which came close to me suffering a fairly severe 'sense of humour failure' I must admit!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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He looks wonderful and MD, too. Like pros! Well done both. She must be so pleased with her rosette.

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She was thrilled with her may only have been a lowly 6th place (out of 10!) but it's the first time he's won anything probably......certainly in a 'ridden' class!


Well-Known Member
23 April 2005
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he looks like butter wouldnt melt in his mouth!!! LOL

and so clean and shiny too!!!

Well done CB and MD - definitely ignore all the negative comments. We still get that with Glen as he has a very bad reputation up here
With us he's never put a foot wrong but with previous owners he was known to throw almighty strops, tank off and dump his rider in the nearest muddy patch!!!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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...definitely ignore all the negative comments. We still get that with Glen as he has a very bad reputation up here...

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Well, I do love CB but I wouldn't want a second one of a long lost twin or something! LOL

One of the ladies we met yesterday didn't recognise him though, as YO asked her if she remembered him from the old days, which she did & when YO said "Well, that's him there, in the ring!", she looked positively gobsmacked, so that pleased MD enormously!

Poor CB will always be in Fat Orange One's shadow somewhat, as he has a marvellous reputation locally & is very highly thought of by all who know him, bless him! Same with LBO....perfect manners, predictable as you like, trustworthy always! LOL


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Impressively clean!

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Do you honestly think so?
I wish we'd taken a photo of him as he came off the trailer, before he went trouncing through all the mud.......god it was foul, my heart sank......all that work.....but he looked ok when he finally got in the ring I reckon!

Actually, he was a helluva lot cleaner than many of the 'show horses' tbh & our secret weapon was..............Tesco Basic shampoo (green gel like stuff!), I swear to god, it is the best shampoo I've tried so far!
All those 7, 8, 9 quid ones, bl**dy rubbish! Less than 50p a bottle, the Tesco stuff & we just slapped it straight on everywhere! LOL (Used about a bottle & a half of it but it did the trick!)


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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I think you and MD deserve a medal for going ahead in the awful conditions, it didn't stop raining all day, more like winter than summer, and the ground was awful! I like him but then as you know sis horse Sunny is very similar and can be just as opinionated, especially the IM GOING AND NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME attitude
Well done to MD


Well-Known Member
10 April 2004
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Very well done MD! How brave of her to get back on and keep going after CB had his strop - I'm sure I certainly wouldn't have done that! Photos are fantastic, and 6th out of 10 is a very respectable result!

We are also fans of Tesco's - we use their cheapest conditioner on our ponies - a bottle and a half of the stallions mane, and another bottle on his tail, and we're away! Does the job just as well as these £20 conditioners!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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I think he looks absolutely great! Am I sensing an Ivy-like character? Looks like butter wouldn't melt but has an extremely fast pair of heels???

The only ickle thing I noticed (I'm sorry....) Did I see rein stops with no martingale? I'm sorry, have had these things drummed into me showing, makes a tidier picture if you take them off. I had to cut them off a pair of my reins as they were the leather stitched stops, and swapped them for rubber so I could take them off as necessary.

But well done on the scrubbing, definitely a clean credit to you! Last time we bathed Asti she had Avon shampoo for brunettes on her bosy, for blondes on her mane and tail, and rinsed with Timotei conditioner with copper tones! Worked a treat!


Well-Known Member
25 November 2002
Nr Peterborough
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JAK well done to MD & CB, I think CB looks wonderful so clean, I take my hat off to MD I am not brave enough to go to a show.

she did good