nearly time to make that hard decision, I think...


Well-Known Member
18 September 2012
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My old cat is just getting more and more wonky by the day. She has renal problems and so gets a renal food diet, which seems to give her diaorhea (how DO you spell that?). I've managed to settle her stomach a bit with a mix of sensitive tummy food, as well. But she doesn't clean herself any more, and has now taken to pooing in the middle of the floor, in stead of the litter tray (which is only about 4 ft away from that spot). So, I think maybe she's going a bit senile, too.
She still comes to sit on my lap at night when I'm watching the TV, but I've now noticed that she smells! She was always such an immaculate, clean cat, with Persil white patches.
Bit of a pointless post really, just feeling sad, as I know it's about time to let her go. :(
You may have so many pets over your life time (as their life span is usually so much shorter than a human) so you know this will always happen - but still soooo hard.

pines of rome

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11 December 2010
West Sussex
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Its hard, I am in the same position with my little black cat, he has been on thyroid and renal meds for a year now and these have kept him stable, but now he is losing weight again and also has bad breath!
He is still eating quite well, but I have to let him have what he wants, managed the renal diet for a while, but then refused it, so now I feed him whatever he will eat!
I don,t think I will have him much longer and if he stops eating or his breathing gets worse, I shall have to let him go, he is about 14 so not that old, but he has never looked that healthy as he had lived rough and we rescued him!
I am just glad that his years with us have been happy as he is the dearest little cat and I am dreading the day he goes!:(


Well-Known Member
15 October 2009
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In the same position with my older dog atm, it’s an awful call to make. I decided last Sunday I’d be having my vet out the next day but he must have understood and has been in good form all week positively trotting about the place on his one good leg. Sympathies to everyone facing this, so much harder when there’s a real decision to be made on perceived quality of life.


Well-Known Member
18 September 2012
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awh, thanks everyone, I knew you peeps would understand. And so sorry for others in the same situation.

I think a big group hug is in order.


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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Its hard, I am in the same position with my little black cat, he has been on thyroid and renal meds for a year now and these have kept him stable, but now he is losing weight again and also has bad breath!
He is still eating quite well, but I have to let him have what he wants, managed the renal diet for a while, but then refused it, so now I feed him whatever he will eat!
I don,t think I will have him much longer and if he stops eating or his breathing gets worse, I shall have to let him go, he is about 14 so not that old, but he has never looked that healthy as he had lived rough and we rescued him!
I am just glad that his years with us have been happy as he is the dearest little cat and I am dreading the day he goes!:(

just thinking out loud, but have you had his teeth checked?


Well-Known Member
4 December 2012
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OP your post could have been written by me. It's so difficult to make that decision as to when. My girl is still purring, still somewhat active and still chirping at me but she is stiff, starting to go senile, has renal problems, high blood pressure and hyperthyroidism. I seem to be forever cleaning out the litter tray due to her drinking more, that's if she gets there, she poos in the middle of the floor too sometimes and hangs her bum outside the tray quite often when she wees.

One thing I found has helped more is very fine clumping litter, seems to be a bit gentler on their feet. I use the Catsan clumping one.

Only you will know when the time has come to say goodbye. Go with your head and what is fairer to her. I know my heart would keep my Louis alive forever if I could xx


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27 April 2004
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Hugs for you, OP. Looks like a few of us can empathise with you. I have one cat with cancer who has now started to have trouble eating, so my heart will be broken in two next week. My other cat I took on in April as a 15 year old. She's arthritic and seems to be worse, lately. She also hangs her bum outside the litter sometimes, so I think she's finding it harder to squat right down and as a consequence smells sometimes and needs a quick bum wipe. Somehow I think I'll be down to zero cats by Christmas.

However with regards to what Amymay says, I'd still do it all again and go through the heartache all over. The joy I get from these animals is worth it. When I moved away from home in lived without cats for a while and I was miserable. The day I'm without a little furry person will be a sad one indeed.

I'm so sorry your cat is losing that quality of life. Just remember that these comes a time where we aren't prolonging life, but putting off death. That's when it's time to do the kind thing and believe me I know how much that hurts. I'm still raw from putting my beloved black cat to sleep last year and now I'm going to cry, so I'll sign off. Take care. Xx


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2 July 2009
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Sorry to hear this it is such a hard decision :( I have two oldies (sisters) who are beginning to fray around the edges and have various problems one has thyroid issues but meds made her very ill and the other keeps getting cystitis and probably has a bit of dementia as sometimes pees behind the TV or poos on the front door mat. She sometimes seems confused about how to use the cat flap so I've just bought an extra litter tray.

Best thing my friend did with her little old cat was to stop all meds and feed her whatever she fancied - she went on happily for another two years so maybe worth a try.

Hairy Old Cob

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3 November 2010
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Big Hugs I know its Hard but it is better to make the decision sooner rather than later when they are Suffering I Had to put my soul mate down earlier this year still very raw 4 month`s on but it was the right decision. RIP George


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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Big hugs, you know what is best for your cat and you will be doing the kindest thing, but I know it is so so hard xxxx