Well-Known Member
My old cat is just getting more and more wonky by the day. She has renal problems and so gets a renal food diet, which seems to give her diaorhea (how DO you spell that?). I've managed to settle her stomach a bit with a mix of sensitive tummy food, as well. But she doesn't clean herself any more, and has now taken to pooing in the middle of the floor, in stead of the litter tray (which is only about 4 ft away from that spot). So, I think maybe she's going a bit senile, too.
She still comes to sit on my lap at night when I'm watching the TV, but I've now noticed that she smells! She was always such an immaculate, clean cat, with Persil white patches.
Bit of a pointless post really, just feeling sad, as I know it's about time to let her go.
You may have so many pets over your life time (as their life span is usually so much shorter than a human) so you know this will always happen - but still soooo hard.
She still comes to sit on my lap at night when I'm watching the TV, but I've now noticed that she smells! She was always such an immaculate, clean cat, with Persil white patches.
Bit of a pointless post really, just feeling sad, as I know it's about time to let her go.
You may have so many pets over your life time (as their life span is usually so much shorter than a human) so you know this will always happen - but still soooo hard.