nearly time


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7 January 2010
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woop woop
been lunging and long reining my big grey after her summer holiday. the saddler is comming tomorrow then the real work beggins. already had the dentist and back lady and got my dales up to some short steady canters as it looks like she doesnt want a foal this year so will be my second horse or mums to have a potter on as she is safe as houses not up to the big jumping though although she used too tee hee

who elese is excited and getting there horse/ horses fit and mot'd for the comming season i am dreaming of open fields woods hounds and sloe gin (or port lol)

wont be long now

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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Spotty pony who did check ligament at begining off last season, has had lots and lots off walk work, and now trotting with some canter work (just got to be careful with her breathing in summer) and my newish one Gracie was kept ticking over during the summer and doing hunt relays with my brother. Then the horse that my brother and mum hunt was also kept ticking over, mum and I taking those three up to Norfolk for beach rides from tomorro till Monday :) that really helps there fitness, so they are nearly ready!! However...... I won't be fit for hunting for a while as on the tues after we get back they are finally operating on my collar bone (only took 5 months) but hopefully it won't take long to recover from, as they are removing a fragment rather pinning, andy brother and friend will keep mine ticking over, so hopefuly I'll be back out and fit by opening meet??! Have allready been offered a pony that I can go out on before mine as well if I want, as it's slightly less strong/yanky. Just can't wait to be out with the hounds again!!!


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8 November 2009
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Ours are autumn hunting already! all a bit sudden, and I've only ridden the horse twice, but I'm going out this evening! Just better not actually go anywhere faster than a walk or he will expire!


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28 March 2011
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Yes it's time to get going ,however Fatty Frank who retired hurt in Febuary went to the vets for a scan a the end of April just to check all was ok . I decided to put on their wieghtbridge just for interest he's a 16.2 pure bred ID and in defence he had been on box rest ( on hay only ) he weighted in at 733 kilos has been on walking exercise all sumner. We put him in a small bare paddock, after 3 days he just walked through the ( new ) gate so he's been a a small very grazed down paddock with two friends. his friend are having to have food when they come in . Frank looks well, very well, fat even I despair he can see no point of work in sumner and for hacking him you need a second rider not a second horse !
However he is looking better and now the weather is cooler I sure he knows it's not long now .


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14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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oh, I'm sure Ron KNOWS when it's nearly time... he starts larking about in the field and gets even more excited about going up the hills, and almost looks like he enjoys life! He spends all summer doing his best beach donkey impression (well, he considers it's boring and too hot for him, on that basis I would too!), and only comes to life in the cooler weather when he can go hunting!


Well-Known Member
7 January 2010
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Woop woop had dentist saddler vet they are all ready to go just getting the back lady is as i dont feel my dales is compleatly loose and a little short in front from tention as her saddle wasnt fitting at all well then on to real fittening work so excited checked my supply of sloe gin plenty there to last the season oh i cant wait for crisp mornings the music of the hounds and pushing myself over bigger jumps in fantastic company


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
N Ireland
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I have the fat hairy beastie in at night, upped the fittening work, started the diet & she is now on antibiotics for a cough. Feeling a bit grrrrr about the whole shenanigans..
29 July 2005
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Yep, I started out fittening programme a couple of weeks ago. :) As we don't hunt every week, I don't turn my boy away for the summer, I keep him ticking over hacking him out and doing a bit of schooling bit let him lose a bit of fitness. I don't plan on getting him to peak fitness until the start of the season as I will use cubbing as part of my fitness programme to get him fitter.

I am going 'evening hunting' a month today and I can't wait! :D