Need to have a moan about my injured horse


Well-Known Member
22 August 2006
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Ok so i did have a perfectly happy healthy horse untill Tuesday. On our yard we have individual grazing and for some unknown reason one of my friends decided to put her two horses (brother and sister) in with mine. She did this without asking and when I wasn't there and her mare is a renound kicker. To cut a long story short they cornered him and absolutely beat 10 bales of c**p out of him. He is now lame with a swollen hind leg which has areas of around 5 inches above the hock with no skin left. For me this wasn't the major issue as he will heal. However my horse is a very sensitive soul and doesn't cope with pain or stress at all. He now won't stay in his field as he is scared senseless of the other horses next to him, he's not eating properly, is tucked up and very depressed. Last time this happened after an injury it took us 4 months to get him psychologically well again. It's heart braking to see but worst of all this woman is in complete denial saying that her horses didn't cause the damage. She hasn't even apologised. My horse is now quite poorly psychologically so clearly I'm not a happy bunny at the moment.
Anyway sorry for the moan, really needed to get that off my chest


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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So he was in a field by himself, she put her horses in and she denies the damage - does she think you are stupid? I would be livid to say the least if this happened to me.

If you were in individual grazing, and this is the yard policy and she put her horses in with yours, (a) I would be talking to the yard owner and (b) I would be advising her she will pay the bill and if she refuses, you will be giving details to your insurance company or taking her through the small claims court for vet's bills, damages and temporary loss of use.

I hasten to add I am not a fan of the compensation culture, but this was no accident but deliberate and such actions must be paid for. This will result in lost friendship, but she doesn't sound like much of a friend.

I would also make sure it is made absolutely clear that no one puts anything in your field without you being there, or your permission.

Why can't people have consideration for others? It is one thing for a fight in the field to happen, but another thing for someone to deliberately place your horse in a situation where it is likely to happen.

I am sorry your chap is so upset and hope he recovers. What he needs is to have nice companions like my old Clydie who just love to groom and never do anything nasty to another horse.


Well-Known Member
17 September 2003
Fylde Coast, Lancs
I can't believe some peoples stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your poor horse.

I lost my mare xmas 05 due to a similar incident, she ended up with a broken leg.

Why on earth did she do it???


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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I am quite flabbergasted how laid back you are being about all this. I would absolutely hit the roof if someone did such a stupid thing. Especially as that mare is a renknown kicker. I am appalled at this persons behaviour- quite sickened in fact especially considering she did not have the good will to apologise or even offer to pay for the vets fees.

You do realise that this mare could have broken your horses legs dont you? I am telling you now that this would have been inches away from happening. Your lucky to still have your horse with you in which case I would let rip at the owner of these horses- she should pay vets bills and more.Ideally you should sue. It is unforgivable.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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If shes one of your friends, Id hate to meet your enemies!!!! She could have had the moral decency to pay a vets visit (and apologies).Same sort of thing happened to Tom when he was 2.He was out in the geldings field (All unshod and together for months) when a friend decided to turn out her shod 17h nutcase. I arrived to find Tom in a stable bandaged up to his eyeballs. Friends horse beat the 7 shades out of Tom who decided to escape further damage by jumping out of the field onto the road.He opened his belly from his chest to his inner thighs but luckily didnt need stitching.It took months to his confidence back in the field and was always very wary of jumping. My friend didnt apologise or offer to pay the vet although there were many witnessess to the beating up. She became an x friend soon after. Hope your boy gets back to his old self soon. Mairi.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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I'm completely speechless! What a stupid stupid woman.

We always introduce new horses in the stables for a while first, just incase.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
I agree with everyone else; BUT i am a wimp!

My boy has had all sorts of 'accidents' caused by other horses and other peoples actions. It has cost me over £900 in five months, none of which my well known insurance co will pay out for, these accidents have devalued my horse and i have missed weeks and weeks of riding.
Although i think my feelings are known at the yard, and i have said something once or twice, i have basically avoided all confrontation.
I am hoping to be moving to another yard very soon!

I understand about your poor horses 'mental' happiness. As an owner it is very hard when your horse is not himself- and even worse if others are too blind to see it! When my boy is on medication (every other week!) he is a changed horse- no longer cute, cuddley and beautiful but grumpy, stand offish and even agressive. It breaks my heart.
I hope you and your boy are ok soon.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I odn't think anyone can be non-confontational here.
You need to take a stand and tell her she will pay your vets bills or you will make her.
As for your poor horse, hope he recovers soon, I would be livid and I think throwing things and screaming might happen.....


Well-Known Member
22 August 2006
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I can assure everyone that although I may sound layed back I am far from. I can assure you that s**t has hit the fan. I have left that yard and gone somewhere else where my boy is now starting to perk up as he feels safe again.
I am no longer friends with the girl anymore either.
I am well aware of how lucky I was not to loose him by a broken leg which is why I was so devastated at how stupid someone could be.
Thanks for all your support guys. you'll be pleased to know my boy is a little happier and his war wounds are healing well. Bless him!!