Nervou Rider-hunting


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22 May 2009
South Lincs
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I've never hunted before, but I definitely know what it's like to be a nervous rider - if there was a Nobel Prize for Wimpyness, I'd have won it about twelve years in a row! - and I say go for it. :D You'll only regret it if you don't. As Simsar says, if you have a go and decide you're not enjoying yourself, you can always stop. And you'll feel really good about yourself (speaking from my own experiences of making myself do something that scared me).


Well-Known Member
12 July 2008
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Depends how nervous you are.

I know a couple of very nervous riders and they would HATE it. Their worse nightmare, being stuck on an excited (even if well behaved) horse in a large field with loads of other horses hoonying about!

They however are properly nervous rider for whom the idea of going for a gallop in a stubble field terrfies them.


Well-Known Member
26 December 2004
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I agree with Kallibear. Which pack is it with as that certainly can make a difference. how are you with jumping ditches and drains? Local huntsman here was watching videos of irish hunting and found the ditches and drains they were jumping terrifying! Bearin mind there often isnt an altnernative route. Not quite like hunting in GB.


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28 November 2009
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First off..Thanks loads to everyone who replied! First time using this forum and you are all exceptionally friendly and helpful!
So the deal is..My dad owns a cob..pretty new to hunting but really quiet and lovely..sister has hunted her and really doesn't want me to take her out... Everytime I get myself all ready to go she steps in and says..You aren't able for her! She takes off..strong etc..
Dunno what to do cos in Ireland you jump and thats it! No way round really!So confused but I am so sick of being a nervous rider, watching everyone else have all the fun!


Well-Known Member
26 December 2004
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So are you actually nervous when riding generally, when you feel you arent fully in control, on a strong horse? Or are you just novice, ie inexperienced (but maybe not particularly brave)?

Sounds like you arent that nervous tbh. How long have you been riding? How likely are you to keep your cool if your horse gets strong, or jumps awkwardly ( as they are wont to do over ditches)? Are you the sort who would pack up and go home if your horse takes off on you once? (ie if he takes off, will you be afraid to canter again?)
If you are likely to panic, lose your confidence entirely in the above situations then i would advise to steer clear. However if you think you would be fine with that, or you dont know then I would suggest giving it a go. I would advise being capable of jumping a 3ft solid fence at least before your first hunt ( though a lot of confidence jumping isnt necessary as the adrenaline rush you get will get you over things you couldnt imagine attempting in an arena).

most of all, if you go - have fun! Dont worry about your sister - your dad would probably have a better idea of your capabilities. The irish packs are great fun to hunt with - usually lots of young people out on them (Im assuming you are a teenager - correct me if Im wrong!!).


Well-Known Member
30 July 2006
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^ what glenruby said!!

I was extremely nervous when I first started going hunting, I'm not a nervous rider normally but the nerves got the better of me on the first couple of hunts. It got so bad that in the days running up to opening meet I couldn't stomach more than a piece of toast and the night before I never slept a wink!! Hmm bad times. I was nervous out hunting but everybody is sooo supportive and encouraging and like glenruby says you jump things you'd never even contemplate jumping in normal every day life!!

I would go, if it's not what you expect you can come home early. If you do get nervous try rescue remedy, it really helps me, I have the spray bottle and have 2 sprays before bed the night before, 2 when I wake up in the morning, 2 when I get to the yard and 2 just before I get on at the meet... chilled me right out, my friends couldn't believe how relaxed I was!!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2009
Tipperary, Ireland
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Yeah, you should go for it. I'm very nervous hunting, to the point of being sick. Can't talk to anyone the morning of the hunt, i'm actually having a panic attack typing this, but once i get out there i'm better, and even though i'm still scared stiff when hunting, I feel so proud of myself when i get home, as i know that i wouldn't dream of jumping the stuff i do out hunting. If you have the right horse, then you will get confidence from it.

Go and Enjoy(as much as you can)!!!