New Horse, New Yard...but want to change??


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10 October 2016
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Hi, I've just bought my first horse last week since having a big break from riding, 15yrs. She is a 16yr old ISH. I've got a dilemma about yards.....the one that she has been since buying her is a riding school and working farm. I wanted my daughter (12) to learn to ride and a few of her friends from school go there. The DIY facilities are very relaxed, muddy and busy due to the farm, not really a worming program and the tractor just scatters the droppings in the field...outdoor school, extra services available which is payable locally to anyone roaming about..and it was our first choice as there are 15 DIY and probably the same again full liveries, which should mean that there is always someone around to hack out with..which is what I mainly want to do...I don't know the hacking area very well, so am reliant on going with other people to show me the paths. The times that I have been though, not many people have been there so have only rode about 3 times so far. Its about 20 mins away from my house, and have to cross a busy road which can take a while waiting for a gap in traffic.
I've been offered a place at a yard at the end of my road....10 DIY boxes in very clean conditions. The fields are properly maintained and worm counts are nil due to poo picking every day. Outdoor school and very good hacking in a local forest...and I know all the routes. The price is cheaper and it is professionally run with invoices and a list of available services...I will pass the yard about 6 times a day with school runs, shopping etc, which will make winter very easy..
The only problem is that there are no children at this yard, just adults...they are not anti children...just do not have any there..
So the questions I move her again after only 2 weeks at this yard and hope she settles?
Will it put my daughter off riding as there will be no one her age to ride with?
Will I be able to hack out with someone when there is even less people there?
Have I not given the first yard enough time to get used it as they are very friendly?

be positive

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9 July 2011
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This is your horse and the priority should be you enjoying her so I would move without a backward glance, your daughter can have lessons if she is interested and I would probably send her for a few to the RS first to see if she even wants to ride, if she is not pestering you then she is probably not that bothered, if she does enjoy it she will probably learn more on a well run yard with a good instructor than she will messing about with friends and if she really takes to it you can reassess the situation later on.


Well-Known Member
2 October 2016
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I'd move no question. The yard seems absolutely ideal for you and more convenient which means you get to spend more time with your new horse - especially when winter hits and the weather gets steadily worse. Are you sure your daughter wants to ride or is this just your hope? I personally wouldnt be prepared to spend ages travelling and spent wading through thick mud if you werent 100% sure she would pick it up and want to ride your horse often enough to benefit from it. Id advise letting her continue to go to the riding school for lessons anyway so that it interests her and then offering extra riding on your new horse - you never know, she might want to work on skills at home to then show off in her lessons and in front of her friends. As for hacking- In my experience smaller yards work better as you get to know the other DIY's more closely then you would on a larger yard; i seemed to make friends quicker and find they often want the company as well compared to big yards where there can sometimes be established little groups. The more comfortable you are the more comfortable im sure your child will be :)


Well-Known Member
16 May 2009
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Whats your daughter like? - As my daughter (now 15) preferred the company of adult hacking partners (she's not your typical teenager that goes in 5th gear everywhere)

Her best hacking buddy was a 60yr old lady who took her out regularly and loved hearing about all the history locally.

Alternatively me or hubby go on foot.

You could joing her to local PC so then she'd get child company as well.

Also benefit of adult based yard is time your there (after school) should get school to yourself!

Move - sounds so much better x


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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The 2nd yard sounds much better and if you know the hacking routes you can go alone and my regular hacking partner is a friends 13 year old daughter and I have ridden with her for 4 years, I am sure some adults on the yard would not mind hacking with your daughter.