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Hi there, I was just looking for some advice. I am 41 and have just bought my first horse, a 6yo mare. I rode weekly at a riding school as a child and was fairly proficient, could jump small courses, hack out, some cross country and lateral work. As an adult, I have only ridden occasionally apart from a course of lessons about 5 years ago and I also had a few more lessons before I bought my mare a month ago. During this time, I sometimes rode on other people's horses and ponies ie non riding school animals. I know I am by no means a "good" rider but I am really struggling with my horse. I am having weekly lessons and I know it is very early days but she is not as well schooled as I had thought when I bought her. I did try her twice and saw her being ridden and she went well for the seller. I am just very worried that I do not have the skills and experience to bring her on and I do not want to spoil her, nor ruin my own enjoyment and pleasure at finally having achieved my dream. I am struggling to work on what we achieved during the lesson as she does not listen to me so feel no progress is being made and if anything, we are going backwards. Would it be better to have more lessons at a riding school on a different horse who is better trained or should I consider having her professionally schooled so she knows more about what is required? I had hoped we would bond and could be trained together and I am feeling rather low at the moment. All advice would be gratefully received. Many thanks.