New horse would love to know more about her history

30 January 2018
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Hi there!

I've had my beautiful horse for a couple of weeks now and in the process of sending her passport off to be updated. I bought her from a dealer who had some knowledge of her history and there were even a few photos of the horse as a baby and her mom and her foal in the back of the passport. She had been sold in-between them and me but they never updated her passport details. The photos in the passport got me thinking that she mustve been such a well loved horse and I wondered if it was the done thing to reach out to previous owners? They might not even live at that address any more but would it be weird to send them a letter and let them know she's in a loving home?
I'm new to owning a horse so not sure if thats a bit of a creepy thing to do or if they would be happy to know about how she's getting on?
Thanks in advance for any replies!!

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Most breeders try and remain in contact with the foals but often loose touch when they get sold on so would be pleased to receive a letter with an update, yes they may have moved so you may never hear back from them but I would send one with your address on the back so that if they are no longer there it will come back and you can maybe look at other ways to get in touch, as long as you keep the letter short and don't hassle them if they don't want to stay in touch there is nothing creepy about it and you may make someone extremely happy.


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17 August 2008
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Echo that - most folk would love to know their old horse is in a loving home. Also you can try googling the passport name looking for any show results which might help you to trace the intermediate owner as well - unless the passport name is particularly common! You can post in "track and Trace" if you want help with that.


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11 August 2005
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Yes do it - I think the fact there's photos in the back would mean they cared about the foal and would be interested in how she was doing.
I've two horses and in contact with one breeder on Facebook - in fact he tried to find me as he found out the horse had been sold on and we have swopped photos of between now and then. The breeder of my second horse acknowledge he bred him but wasn't interested in how he was doing but I think he may have been a much larger breeder than the first one. Its nice knowing where they've come from and having photos of their early years and mother etc.
30 January 2018
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Oh wow thanks everyone! I will write them a little letter I think! I know the first home she was in for 11 years so they must've loved her but I think she's been sold on in-between then and now to at least one other person. I didn't want to bother them if it was a bit of an intrusion of their privacy, but I suppose they can always ignore the letter! I will post up in track and trace as well just incase! I had a quick google search but couldn't find anyone, the name in there is Mr Jeremy M Simmons, but I couldn't find anything about him.


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3 April 2015
north wales
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I found my horses previous owners on facebook. Have been in touch with all of them, they were all very helpful and happy to know where the horse was. I am fb freinds with one of them.


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29 September 2008
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No this horse but my previous boy, I wrote to the lady who had him as a yearling to a 3 year old just to let her know of his journey. He was born in Wales and via Manchester and Harrogate ended up on the north east coast.

She was delighted to hear from me and we emailed quite a lot before she asked if she could come up and see him. He was about 10/11 by then. She was over the moon to see him and he recognised her. It was really lovely to see. She had some great memories of him.

We kept in touch until I sadly had him PTS a year ago. I wrote and told her and and I her message back to me made me cry. She was pleased he had good life and I had done the best for him.

I'm pleased I got in touch with her.