New "Hunting Life" pages in H&H

HHO admin

7 December 2009
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We have introduced a new section, "Hunting Life", to our hunting coverage in H&H magazine this summer, with news and information about hunts all around the country and overseas. You can see the first edition in today's H&H (17 May, '07).

We would like hear from you about any news and happenings in your hunt. It may be regarding the hunt itself - for example, a plan to build more hunt jumps over the summer, or big fund-raisers, retirement parties and so on? Let us know if you are running hedge-laying competitions, horse shows, midnight steeplechases, fun rides, or anything else.

We'd also like news on hunt horses and hounds. Perhaps there is a field master's horse who is being retired, or who has just completed an impressive number of seasons. Or there may be two generations of the same breeding in the hunt stables, or perhaps a former hunt horse has foaled? Do you have several generations of the same hound lines in your kennel; has there been a particularly large litter, or the first litter by a new stallion hound for which you have high hopes? Or have you used a draft hound for the first time?

All this, and any other news you think may interesting the hunting world, please do let us know, and please send in any pictures. We hope to make this new section as interactive as possible.

Please send your news to


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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I'm glad you're starting this, OH had just stopped buying it because of the lack of hunting snippets over the summer...I'm sure he'll buy todays edition though. I'm looking forwards to reading my copy :)


Well-Known Member
4 August 2006
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As I suspected, Hunting is so much on the decline that now you are having to advertise for news.

The glory days are gone, face it!


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