Next step (Silver Robin maybe?)


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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Ok, i posted yesterday about a horse in a field near us that had a rug on.
Reported it to Rspca as ilph/www were closed.
Checked horse this morning, still had rug on, still had no water.
Checked again this evening, and i still cant see any note posted by an rspca officer, and the horse has now either had someone remove the rug, or she shrugged it off herself, having already shredded the thing anyway.
Took a couple of friends for saftey and went back this evening, and its now even worse than i thought.
She is a little mare, has a bit of a bag on her so may be in foal (she has quite a belly despite being very thin), with the most awful injury to one of her hind legs.
Her pastern is badly cut into in at least 3 places, and there is enough swelling that any joe public can see she has one hind leg bigger than the other as far as her hock.
She also has the start of fly strike

We have caught her up and cleaned her cuts with hibiscrub to get rid of anything nasty (gave it a good 10 min soak in a bucket).
Now i have reported this twice to the powers that be, but nobody seems to have been to check. The mare needs a vet and she really needs on sooner rather than later, and she needs to be in away from the bloody flies.

Who else CAN i contact that WILL do something because as things stand i want to go back with a pair of bolt cutters and just take her home and deal with the consequences later.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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Oh dear that sounds very urgent

I think sometimes the rescue agencies aren't as quick as they need to be, I am sure that is because they are short of resources but it sounds as if this ought to have been made priority. Can you call them back in the morning, tell them about the flystrike and express the urgency of the situation? If not, I would agree police- then they might be able to compel the rspca to come tomorrow if they were to visit? I think the law has changed now re the point of suffering at which something can be done for an animal so these things might be more relevant to the police than they used to be??


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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Tried them already, worse than useless in this case.
Apparently they have more pressing concerns moving some unwanted "squatters" off a nearby playing field, was given the advice to call Rspca.........


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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Is your local RSPCA centre near you? Turn up there yourself with photographs. They will tell you that you need to call the central line but as far as I know all the central line do is call the nearest patrol to send someone out. However, I think they will find it very difficult to refuse to do anything at all if you go there yourself and demand action!! If necessary the staff there could call the central number while you are standing there with the photos and explain the urgency, if you get someone reasonable?! I will prob get shouted at now by anyone who works for them but I am sorry this is urgent and procedure is secondary! I used to work at a small animal vets and where we had to co-operate with the RSPCA I found that firm and persistent was the best method


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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I will be going tomorrow morning armed with a camera regardless.
I just feel she is being let down by the very people meant to protect her, ilph/www only answer the phone during office hours, and even then when i tried i could only leave a message on an answer phone, i have twice now spoken to rspca, and she is no closer to getting the help she needs.


Well-Known Member
22 May 2009
Portsmouth, Hampshire
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Can you call a vet out, explaining the situation, and them request attention by RSPCA, ILPH, etc? Surely, in the circumstances one would come down to see her. Thank goodness she has someone like you keeping an eye on her now and trying to eleviate any further suffering. Good luck x