NH - might be a convert...


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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This is a bit self indulgent
but your comments would be really helpful especially if youve had any NH training done on your horse.

Im so pleased with my little girl (well ok big bird!!) Im one really happy mummy

Well ive been having problems loading Chantin since we sold our wagon and bought a trailer.
The trailer is certainly not too small for her but this is where we seem to have started the problems.
I can load her with bribing her (it can take up to 30 mins tho
) but as soon as shes in you have to anchor her in and shut the partition quickly before she bolts back out - not good I know.

Well I met a lady at the vet centre when I went up a week last monday who got taking to me about a woman she knew who does NH stuff. So as Richard Maxwell is unfortunatley out of work atm I thought id give her a go. Well it mustve been fate thats all I can say.

She loves Chantin (well who couldnt
- v biased mum here!), Chantin loves her. Last Saturday she came out. We took off the gates and partition and within 30 mins shes got her trotting in, jumping on from the side of the ramp - standing in the trailer eating hay with the whole trailer wide open. Calmer coming out that she used to be.
So she came back on Friday to do some work in the dark - again - she was brill however we think shes might suffer from clostaphobia!!!
She came back again yesterday and we took her out for her 1st ride in the trailer for months. Just round the block at first but then took her a little distance to a place shes never been before and unloaded her. Then reloaded her and travelled her back home. Wow I really cant believe weve got her loading - it know means we can start taking her out and about seeing the big wide world.

Shes coming out again on the 21st and were taking her out for a lesson. She wants me to take her somewhere and do something with her then have to load her afterwards- so shes coming to make sure everything goes to plan - then ill be on my own.

Never ever thought about NH to be honest but I cant believe the difference in Chantin - she runs in the trailer so fast and stands there now waiting for us to shut the trailer up rather than having to coaxe her in and running out!! So pleased and its only taken about 3 sessions in total to get her doing this and being confident with it. Only thing weve got to help her with is the rushing out of the trailer.

Any tips on clostraphobic horses?????


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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WOW!! That sounds FAB!!

I was reading an article recently, either in H&H or some other horsey mag, about travelling horses with mirrors in the trialer/lorry. Aprrently horses are a lot less stressed when they can see another horse (albeit themselves). I know the type of trailer that you have it a light one (as in light in side, not dark) but a mirror could help make it lighter, I think anyway. I say this from my experiences as a clostraphobic myself - if it's lighter, the better I am!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Is it Natural Horsemanship that got your horse loaded or is it Common Sense with patience & perseveranve. I've had problems in the past with horses that wouldn't load but with patience & common sence we got it sorted & they walk in really well now.

Too often people have a problem & rather than spend time & have patience they go off & phone a 'specialist' because they want a quick fix.

Sorry, but I believe there's alot of people out there who do what anyone with any sense does with horses but they hang a name on it, make a series of videos & books & people buy into this idea. There's very little that's new...it's just packaged differently.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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Isobel - im made up i really am. So pleased that were getting some where with her - and just think I was going to give up on her a few months ago!!!

yes weve got an Equitrek - so its all white inside (shows all the muck up!!! ) apart from the rubber kick boards. Will ask the lady (lisa) about it when she comes to friends horse tomorrow night about the mirror.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2005
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Yeah but not everyone has great common sense so I think the Kelly Marks of this world are invaluable. I mean, everyone is capable of putting up a shelf, decorating a house, wiring a plug but generally without expert advise we tend not to.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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With all due respect, I think you'll find that E_C_W has been trying to sort her horse for quite some time now! She's not just any horse either, but a 17.2hh (and possibly growing) 4yo! Whilst I hear what you are saying about the common sense and packaging/marketing blah, blah, I really don't think that your comments were warranted in this situation.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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T_ Z - yes it is Natural Horsemanship not just Common Sense however I feel that Common Sense does come into it. The lady who has come out to me has specifically trained to do this - not just common sense. She is a fully trained Silversand Natural Horsemanship Instructor and has trained with many worlds top horseman - eg Ray Hunt, Phil Rodey, Steve Halfpenny just to name a few.
It isnt just patience thing, as you could stand with Chantin for hours and if she wasnt going in she wasnt going in - You cannot force her to do anything she has to make her own mind up about everything.
I have spent lots of time and patience with Chantin on the loading front - she seemed to get no better. Im not a one for giving up easily and calling someone on but she was getting a bit dangerous as she would fling herself around, and at 17.2hh its quite a thing to have flung in your direction.
I dont want a quick fix as you call it. I want my horse to be confident in what I ask of her and if this means going into/out of a trailer then that is what i am asking of her. I know it takes time, but the foundations are now there, and me and Chantin can build on that.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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CN i cant wait - my instructor was really surpised to hear from me yesterday - not spoke to her since my last lesson whiich mustve been 15/08/06
. Ive been hacking her out for the last 6weeks or so and not really touched any schooling work - well OMG is all I can say - the hacking has done her a world of good - will promise to get you some photos of said beastie soon. She looked amazing on the lunge - really powerful and elegant at the same time. Also were now managing to collect ourselves enough to canter on the lunge - very hard when she is so big and has such a big stride in a normal size arena

so already booked for her:
20th - riding to meet the hunt - only 10 minutes from my yard so in case shes a complete and utter bitch its not dfar to come home.
21st - lesson
boxing day- all being well - hunting!!!!!