Nicked from NL - you know you are a dog person when...


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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Your car is stuffed full of various toys, towels, dog leads, coats, wellies, waterproofs, poo bags, spare poo bags, dog biscuits, crates and so on, leaving only the driver's seat free(ish).

When your automatic reaction to anyone doing something right is to say in your most approving voice 'GOOD boy/girl':eek:

When you own more dog walking coats than smart coats.

When every time you look for your purse in your bag, you pull out tennis balls, worming tablets, poo bags, biscuits, and still can't find your purse.

When other people gag upon getting into your car.... and you can't smell a thing!

Add yours:D


Well-Known Member
26 October 2007
Glos, UK
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When your posh, super clean clothes somehow manage to have at least one dog hair on

When smart clothes are picked in a colour that doesn't show up the dog hair :eek:


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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When you can walk around town blissfully unaware of the stray dog hairs and one large muddy pawprint on your back.

When young children are sternly told 'Here!' and 'Sit' when misbehaving.

When you approach a young mother with pushchair and dog, and make a beeline for the dog instead of the baby.

When you have to rush to get home to feed the dogs, hubby et al can wait.

All clothes are viewed with hair/mud removal, waterproofness and pocket size in mind.

You can't wait to give your dog his christmas present.


'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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You click your fingers, whistle or shout 'oi!' at random people when you want their attention then have to apologise profusely.

And agree, the car is just a kennel on wheels.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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Someone at work who is allergic to dogs starts sneezing, coughing, and having a reaction after borrowing your chair - not a joke, actually happened to me!

Even in your lonely single smart coat, there is a random mix of dry dog treat crumbs in the pockets

Your car glove compartment has a selection of treats and tennis balls


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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When you tell your friends that you can't go out with them because the dogs need a walk :)

When after coming back from work or holiday you sit on the floor to greet your dogs before your family/friends :)

When someone starts talking about their cat you instantly switch off and just pretend you're listening :eek:

And the last one, in my case, when you go over to friends house and they have a cat you try to treat it as a dog as you don't really know how to treat a cat :)

I have also managed to train my friends cat to sit, come here, jump up (onto the sofa) and walkies! :D I'm working on paw and lie down :)


Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
Should be working.....
When you have the back of your car permanently set up for taking the dogs out and frankly letting humans get in it a mahooooooosive inconvenience that involves CLEANING it......;):eek::D:D:D

Chatting up butchers for the sole purpose of obtaining bones and other goodies for the dogs......:eek:;):D:D:D

Making a beeline for the reduced section in a supermarket and looking for food for the dogs FIRST.......:rolleyes::D:D:D

Alll of the above apply obviously:D:D:D doesn't everyone carry poo bags, treats and a spare lead as minimum?:confused::D:D:D


Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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Defo do the reduced section thing!! and basket contains all reduced stuff + pigs trotters!!

Need to find me a hot butcher!!

When pretty much anything you do involves the line "Cant stay long got to get back for the dog"

When everything you own has dog hair on it.....


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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It's the furniture which gives me away - wooden floors, leather sofas and the other two have a vast collection of throws on them. Towels by the back door to try to keep down the mud. No rugs except when entertaining. Vast collection of leads by the door. Oh and who has bolts on the OUTSIDE of all the bedroom doors. Only way to prevent a determined staffy from breaking and entering into the nice human bedrooms. Oh and did I mention the various dog beds scattered around the house? Though why I bother with dog beds when they always go on the sofas.......I don't know!


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
Visit site tile the lounge floor because the cream carpet got ruined.

...there are more dog beds than chairs in the lounge.

...the entire day revolves around the dogs being exercised.

...the entire day revolves around the dog food delivery.'s a disaster when the ball launcher is in the car, but there's no ball in there!'re disappointed that someone wants to ride when you wanted to do recall training in an enclosed space :eek:

...people's eyes glaze over when you start talking about the dogs at work. spend hundreds on buying a specially fitted boot liner that is easy clean (but you never clean it :eek:) take your parents on a trip out-to the butchers! :eek:


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
Just outside Edinburgh
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...'re disappointed that someone wants to ride when you wanted to do recall training in an enclosed space :eek:

...people's eyes glaze over when you start talking about the dogs at work.


first one I just do recall training anyway, make's it more interesting if they have to avoid the dog running towards you.
second one, tough if I have to isten to them banging on about their children they have to listen about the dogs!!!!

And poo bags everywhere, yep to the point that I used to work between 2 offices, one office had left over cake and I put it in poo bags (clean ones I might add) to take back to the other office for my other colleagues:p
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Well-Known Member
17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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-when its acceptable in your house to have dog hair on a dinner plate

-when you buy throws for your sofa in dog hair colours

-when your car has a old horse rug in it, seats down permentantly with plenty of poo bags in each car door and balls and treats etc.

-when you have money for a new car but now debating it as the dogs are going to ruin it anyway, so might as well stick witht he banger you have got.

-when you are dissapointed the supermarket doesnt sell kids christmas t shirts because you wanted to dress the dog up for xmas

-when you set the whole morning aside to bath three dogs and consider this an important household task

-when you go to the butcher and come out with more for them then us.

-hold to ability to ignore the strange looks when buying 10 plaice from sainsburys because they were only 40p each ............


Well-Known Member
18 November 2011
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When you watch food programmes and get excited about the raw meat and how good it would be for pup,

You have more wellie boots than dress shoes,

You have 2 dog walkers booked when you have to go out, though the 2 kids only have one,

You have a beautiful shiny freezer for dog food, but you get possessive aggressive over it when OH suggest putting human Christmas food in it (it would mess up the system of one type of protein per shelf!)

You know you have both a dog and a toddler when:

The last time you opened your tumble drier you extracted a poo bag and a
fluffy, dry (clean!) nappy from it,

There are 2 squeaky, cuddly things in the oversized dog bed and only one is a whippet!


Well-Known Member
24 May 2011
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When you forget and leave your coat at the pub and your friend picks it up to bring it home for you to collect from them. Then he puts a hand in the pocket to check it's yours and freaks because it's full of unidentifiable pills, white, brown, round, square, etc, and he rings you up in a panic to find out if it is your coat or if he's nicked it off the local drug dealer!

(NB: it was mine - one of my dogs is on PLT tablets and the vet had also given me a handful of those strange tablet-like treats to bribe her out from under the chair during her recent health check!)


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9 August 2005
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When the one who gets the private medical and dental care, the carefully researched diet, new clothes and comfy bed.............isnt you!

And that a dog tired from a good walk, contentedly snoring on his bed/in front of the fire with the occasional dream 'wuffs' makes you happy too


'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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When you say 'gooood' and 'OH-kaaay' in a patronising and absent-minded fashion when people are talking.
You make a sharp noise through your teeth or shout 'NO' or 'AH-AH!' when someone is doing something you don't like.


Well-Known Member
28 April 2011
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When you are holding your horses lead rope and need 2 hands free, so you drop the lead rope on the floor and stand on it, then find yourself sitting on the floor as your 16.2hh warmblood calmly walks away and flips your feet from under you.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2007
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OMG - haven't read all the posts but, basically......this is ME!;) Hubby had to change a wheel on my Subaru Forester last weekend - lifted out the boot tray and - THE DOG HAIR!:eek: (MUST take car to those fab Eastern European guys at Homebase who do the most amazing valeting job!:) Well worth £15 - always tip them!) The fridge/freezer is always full of "raw", the bin cupboard is always full of Skinners "Ruff and Ready" plus any other dog food "visiting" dogs are eating, the lawn is now a swamp:eek:, we have towels by the front and patio doors to wipe muddy feet, the "dog room" (thankfully large utility room) is awash with mud (I hose it out on a regular basis) the leather sofas in the sitting room are adorned with throws which the dogs always remove.... :D

It's SO good to realise that I'm not the only person to live in a Hell-hole for the love of my dogs!!!!:D:D


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
North West
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Haha I love this thread, this is me to a t!
The car is full of dog towels, bowls and tack. Have to clean if we know we are taking people anywhere.

The lawn is a swamp so towels by the back door.

Leather couches and currenty replacing carpets with wooden floors. Also we have a old leather couch purely for the dogs.

More dog beds in my bedroom than anything else.

Spend more time finding food for them than myself.

Dog hairs on every item of clothing!

Can't go on holiday because I don't really trust anyone with my babies(this includes the horses)


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3 August 2006
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All of the above plus.....

I have a 6 seater leather sofa yet I still sometimes end up sitting on the floor.....

It's down with rain, we are all soaked to the skin after our walk but the dogs get first go of the warm fluffy towel.....

I can be sat watching TV and be gasping for a cuppa but can't move as I have a lurcher head on each knee.....

They all get big snogs even knowing full well that they clean their private parts with their tongues.....and yet I wouldn't kiss a bloke unless he was minty fresh!!!


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7 April 2010
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When you are sitting for the dog and your younger brother and in order to get both of them to behavthey do something wrong you go 'aye, ip' and they both look at you.

When the said brother behaves and you go 'good dog, erm no, good pony, erm no erm good child'

Fee Fo

Well-Known Member
12 November 2010
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I found a dog hair inside the cod liver oil pill container the other day, which is inside a cupboard about 10 foot off the floor. How????