nipped in the bud


Well-Known Member
21 January 2006
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Hey all not been on in a while.

After a very close call last night consisting of warlock bucking and very nearly dropping me [huge fly twist buck] F decided something needed to be done so she had a trainer from leeds come over and ride him today [unsure of name i didnt meet him].

He worked him between walk and trot for 30 mins got him elevated and going lovely then managed to get him to canter no kicking off no bucking or anything.

He thinks that due to us wanting to improve the canter transition so badly we have neglected to establish him in the walk and trot so rider error on our part.
But he needs daily work intensive schooling and we dont have time to do it so we are taking him over to this trainer for 4 weeks and we are going over twice a week for lessons on him.
Mainly to get him balanced through the transitions to canter and the gentelman we are sending him too thinks he should come right within a couple of weeks fingers crossed.

So turns out it was mainly my fault i wanted to get the canter without the bucking i wrongly asked him to do something he didnt fully understand or feel comfortable with.
Im hoping with the help of this trainer by us been a part of his schooling i can learn to ride him correctly and understand him more i feel very guilty for ignoring the signs i mistaked genuine lack of understanding for childish stropping.

But i suppose we as humans sometimes make mistakes.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Hi, This happens with loads of riders. The walk & trot has to be established before the horse can progress satisfactorily & safely. We had a similar experience with our lad so we went back to basics. It's been a long haul but his paces have been established now & due to this he finds everything we ask him now so much easier. His jumping is also so much better, he is balanced on the approach & also on landing so there is no more charging or fly bucking. We thoroughly enjoy him now... & he enjoys things more I'm sure.