No Timewasters?


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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Just wondering why people put this on adverts, will timewasters actually take any notice? Surely these will be the adverts they will target?

I just imagine them reading the ads and thinking "no better not phone that one as they specifically say no timewasters"


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Ha ha thats a good point!!!

Also i always wonder how people can really say that as apart from making arrangements and not turning up etc people are not really time wasting if they try the horse out and then think its not suitable. Does that make sense


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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well exactly, I wouldn't call someone who came to see the horse and then did not want to buy a timewaster, even if they came a couple of times. I would say a timewaster is someone who phones you up to ask stupid questions and comes to the horse when they have no intention of buying it or any other. How do you tell though?


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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It always make me think there is something wrong with the sellers and they are going to be a complete PIA, tend to avoid those adverts


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22 August 2003
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as someone who is just trying to sell a pony I can assure you that anything two word phrase that might just stop one idiot from contacting you can only be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
12 July 2005
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When people put that it always make me think £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ so I tend not to bother with it!


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6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I always put this in my adverts (and no, I dont ask ££££ for mine!) to TRY to put off the timewasters who really KNOW they are timewasters. I want them to stop and THINK if the horse is suitable BEFORE phoning.

Although didnt stop someone calling the other day - Id specfically said in my advert that the horse was only a 4yo and still green, she basically said "oh its for my daughter who wants to be jumping opens so yours is probably a bit too inexperienced", WELL YES, IF YOU HAD READ THE DAMN ADVERT YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT!!!!!!!

Ive had a few timewasters - someone who wanted one of mine who cribbed. I told her in the VERY first phone call she cribbed and even showed her the horse doing it. She came FOUR times to try the horse and loved it, she said she'd arrange a vetting but called back a few days later saying she didnt think she wanted a cribber after all. AGHHHHHHH. Oh and the ones who say "oh we love him, we'll definately get a vetting done" only to then never call back........ They are the worst timewasters in the world. The horse world is absolutely full of them.


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1 December 2003
under my umbrella
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I'm one of those Kelly! I looked at a horse last week and declined to ride it because it was clearly not the described 'safe' conveyance as it bucked twice as the rider mounted and then spooked around the school. Owner said that she has said no timewasters but I politely pointed out that she could hardly describe a horse with such issues as suitable for complete novices to hack!!


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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So do people think that by putting no timewasters means that if just because someone shows an interest they HAVE to buy it "as they said no timewasters"?

Surely anyone who is doing it purely to waste your time will be attracted to those adverts first as they actually want to waste your time?


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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That ok catherineskinner so am I.We never bought a horse that my daughter tried,as it reared over backwards on top of daughter during vetting,horse was then readvertised as 'due to timewaster'and I know we were only ones looking at horse at time!!!I do usually phone back and say if I'm not interested and try to put why as nicely and as diplomatically as poss. if asked.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2006
IMO a timewaster would be someone who phones, visits, fawns all over the horse, gets it vetted, decides to buy then vanished in a puff of smoke never to be seen again - or [on a lesser scale] books a visit, then never turns up, no phone call, nothing...

It angers me when people put NO TIME WASTERS on an ad that doesn't "state the bleedin' obvious" - location, guide price, height, age, or in some cases gender of horse.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I agree L_O... It annoys me when they put no time wasters and then put POA at the bottom! They are just asking for trouble putting that as people will want to know how much a horse is before they even think about going looking at it!

Some people do it because their horses are expensive, but if they just put the price they would eradicate nuisance calls.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2005
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I am always put off ringing by the phase "no timewasters" but having recently advertised a pony I want to put "no chatters on the telephone". I have spent literally hours while people chat about their horses, medical conditions etc knowing full well that they won't want to see him. I can accept that my advert is wrong but I really could do without all the personal details beyond what I need to establish whether the pony is likley to be suitable for them


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I would never go to look at a 'no time wasters' horse. I would feel at once it meant: 'I can't be bothered to show you my horse if you want to try it out, discuss it, have it vetted, or indeed do anything more than say "oh how lovely, can I press you to take a couple of hundred above the asking price!" ' I don't go to see horses with a ready made decision to buy - I go to view and make up my mind later. If sellers don;t want that, then, sorry, not for me. Loits of other fish in the sea!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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I went to see one horse & as soon as I arrived the 'Re-advertised due to Time waster' card was played. The horse was advertised as an Eventer. I walked onto the 'yard' & walked straight past it looking for 'The Eventer'. It was nothing like it was described in the advert. There were no facilities to try it out, not even a piece of level ground. I mentioned vetting & the seller told me she didn't believe in vets. Then she says she's selling it for a friend. Then to try & hurry me into buying she says that someone is traveling up to see the horse & she won't be able to save the horse for me. It will go to the first person to leave a deposit. I didn't buy the horse & the people travelling up, if they existed, would be really have been sick to have driven so many miles and wasted so many hours to see that 'Eventer'.


I don't put it in an advert - but in my opinion a timewaster is:

- somebody who rings up, arranges to come see the horse [after you have been completely honest about everything the horse is], tries it, and then says they don't want it as they are after something totally different to what they said they were [ie. a dressage horse when they were told the horse is NOT a dressage horse]

- somebody who rings, arranges to see the horse and never shows up

- somebody who sees the horse and never even rings back to tell you if they're interested or not when they said they would

- somebody who tries the horse, obviously decides in the first 2 minutes that the horse isn't for them, but continues to ride it for another half hour - I had one girl says she didn't want Paris but then her mum got up to "practice" - this is not a f**king riding school!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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My idea of a timewaster is some of the bleeding idiots who have been to see Zak.

"We love him, we're very interested but we'd like to go for a chat about it, is there a pub nearby? *directions given* Thank you, we'll call back when we've made our decision"

Guess what.

I think the pub ate them.

I think just about all of them said they'd phone us back and didn't. And no offense, but if you bring an instructer, get them riding, don't get them giving you a lesson on my horse...

I use mine to judge the HORSE whilst I'm riding and have a ride herself. How many free lessons did poor Zak give?

I suppose the pub is happy tho, I think it ate a lot of prospective buyers...

Oh, and my personal fave, I can't name him, because he's a bit too famous and HHO will tell me off, but a famous showy type person was interested taking up cob showing like his sister (I think it was, anyway...) so wanted a video of Zak. We made one, showing him jumping and all sorts, and awaited our reply (thinking this was Zaks big break, a rider who could take him to the top!)

Anyways, our reply was, "he's got capped hocks and not suitable for showing".

Sally, my mum and I looked Zak up and down and wet ourselves laughing. Zak has never had capped hocks!!!!

And if such a top showman thinks horses have capped hocks when they don't, what does it say about showing knowledge!!!


Well-Known Member
30 December 2004
Over The Rainbow
We have had an excellent TIMEWASTER this year.

Said they were buying the youngster, sent a cheque and then it bounced!!! In the meantime I lost out on two other buyers who then found something else. I had informed these people the horse was sold so needless to say they went elsewhere.

I then re-advertised it and said "No Timewasters Please"! If you have the above happen to you then you will put that in adverts because it really pisses you off, to top it off you then get charged by the bank for the cheque bouncing!!