Well-Known Member
I got my colt in from the field tonight, popped him in his stable and groomed as usual. Whilst I was bending down to brush his legs I heard his tummy was very noisy. I'd never heard it before but it was almost constant gurgling for a couple of minutes. It did calm down a bit but was still making the odd noise when I left. He has also been quite bloated the last couple of days when I bring him in. He seems fine in himself and not at all ill. But I was wondering if this could be the start of something? Maybe colic? Should I be reducing his grazing to stop him from bloating so much? Or does it not really matter too much as he's not doing any work due to him being only 11 months old.
Sorry for all the questions just not sure if I'm worrying over nothing or if I should go and check on him in a little while.
Sorry for all the questions just not sure if I'm worrying over nothing or if I should go and check on him in a little while.