North East Cheshire Hunt


Well-Known Member
4 May 2009
Oldham, Manchester. For my sins!
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Hi All

I'm in Denshaw (Oldham) and I believe that the North East Cheshire Hunt is my nearest (I am willing to stand corrected if someone knows otherwise!).

I'm currently jobless so until I get one we won't be going on any jaunts but i'm desperate to get out to a hunt and want all my groundwork done so i know what i'm doing when I get to one!

Is anybody a member of or hunted with them? :)


Well-Known Member
30 December 2008
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I hunt with them regularly too. Yes, they are your local pack, your closest meets being the Puckersley and Tandle Hill Tavern at Royton, probably 15mins tops for you.

To get your horse as prepared as you can, get him used to dogs and hacking out in groups. Some special days are organised for people like you who want to give hunting a try and they have a reduced cap fee too so won't break the bank. Also, if you're under 26 years old, you're still classed as a junior in terms of paying your cap.

Join them on Facebook, the members are always posting and answering questions so if you want to ask anything specific to that hunt, that's the place to ask :)


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7 March 2011
South Manchester Area
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My other half is currently on her way to one of their meets - (leaving me at home with a mug of coffee and orders as to how to make productive use of my day). This will be her third hunt with them and she's had an absolute blast each time!

There's usually at least one photographer there too and I believe digital copies are quite reasonably priced - here's a link to photo's from the last hunt;



Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I'm a member too. I can't get out today because my lorry is lame :(

You'll have a great time and there are plenty of meets within an hour of you.


Well-Known Member
4 May 2009
Oldham, Manchester. For my sins!
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Armed with camera, I went on foot to todays meet at Davenport Arms and followed them from the horsebox park to the pub, eavesdropped on their route and decided to head home after that as I didn't get the impression there would be too much to see!


I have learnt that:
- you need to befriend the very nice lady with the bottle of Port :p
- my horse (a 16.1hh TB gelding) will look absolutely miniscule next to the horses I saw out today! OMG! They all look so big and like they work out everyday all day :eek:
- it doesn't seem to be the death penalty if you don't plait your tail (this is a blessing as I can't do it - I know how to but my fingers just don't understand).
- I need to plait my mane, which means I need practise and a tranquilizer as my steed head shakes madly and crossly if you touch his mane :D So they might not be pretty plaits, but they'll be there! (Think he's got a major disagreement about it from it being pulled as 2yr old flat racer).

I've also learnt that i'm very excited about getting transport (God knows when that will be) and having a horse fit enough to run the full time out.

I'm five minutes from Jnc 22 on M62 so if ANYbody passes near me and could offer a lift in a few months time I would worship the ground you walk on :)


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Hi, I was out. Big black horse with a strange bit :) We had a great time considering how wet the ground is. We were lucky to be out at all but we got six nice legs, a lot of timber and a few hedges :D

There were a lot of smaller horses out today too but I will admit there are a lot of us on the big blighters. I just prefer to look down on my hedges and not up at them!


Well-Known Member
4 May 2009
Oldham, Manchester. For my sins!
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Oh yes, I saw you at the yard! Was thinking to myself it looked as though you had a good setup for braking! I commented on it to my boyfriend actually (who knows that horses make him sneeze and that's about the summary of his horse knowledge).

My horse isn't fit (a summer of one thing after another) so it'll be about 8 weeks before he's in any sort of shape but I had a peep and saw there is one in Royton for newbies so I may be able to hire a trailer for the day.

I don't think I got you on a photo - I did get a chap with a black and a blaze trying to remount outside the pub. I was absolutely doubled up laughing! He'd got on this fence and the horse just swung its backside out so it was facing him and there was no way on gods green was it going to cooerate and turn side-on so he could mount!!! :D