Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I would love some thoughts as to why my 2 horses are not eating their hay much. Its been over the last 3-4 weeks. We have tried 3 different types- their normal oaten/meadow blend, a super premium export meadow, and now a straight oaten. They are nibbling at it but eating WAY less than normal. Eating breakfast and dinner fine. Just not the hay. They have both lost some condition (both were a bit over and now ideal so I don't want anymore off). On a pretty much dry paddock (v small amount of green that they are still trying to graze on instead of the hay).
Any thoughts welcomed, TIA!
I would love some thoughts as to why my 2 horses are not eating their hay much. Its been over the last 3-4 weeks. We have tried 3 different types- their normal oaten/meadow blend, a super premium export meadow, and now a straight oaten. They are nibbling at it but eating WAY less than normal. Eating breakfast and dinner fine. Just not the hay. They have both lost some condition (both were a bit over and now ideal so I don't want anymore off). On a pretty much dry paddock (v small amount of green that they are still trying to graze on instead of the hay).
Any thoughts welcomed, TIA!