Not eating hay


Well-Known Member
5 February 2020
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Hi all,
I would love some thoughts as to why my 2 horses are not eating their hay much. Its been over the last 3-4 weeks. We have tried 3 different types- their normal oaten/meadow blend, a super premium export meadow, and now a straight oaten. They are nibbling at it but eating WAY less than normal. Eating breakfast and dinner fine. Just not the hay. They have both lost some condition (both were a bit over and now ideal so I don't want anymore off). On a pretty much dry paddock (v small amount of green that they are still trying to graze on instead of the hay).
Any thoughts welcomed, TIA!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2020
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They could be getting enough grass even though it may not seem like it. My boys came in with grass glands the other day which is unheard of for my boys at this time of year!
Thanks :) you might be right and I might be worrying about nothing. They have both lost and I don't recall them eating less thus time previous years but maybe I'm recalling incorrectly!