Not stolen but desperately want to trace


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16 July 2008
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"Rosie" registered Welsh sec. B mare. (registered name "Bureside Rhosyn") palomino would be 7years old now. Foaled 2001
I had this pony from a weanling to 3 years coming 4 and then sold her as I didn't have anyone to ride her to a lady from Alconbury.I did ask to be kept informed about Rosie but I do realise you cannot insist on this. I have checked with WPCS and the Palomino Society with whom I had registered her but they have no records of any new ownership.
The lady I sold her to moved shortly afterwards to Lincolnshire and she was lovely in that she told me her new address etc and that she had put Rosie in foal. I was invited to see the foal when it was born. Unfortunately the foal died and the lady decided to sell Rosie. This is where I have lost trace of her. I think she was sold to be driven, but my contact with the lady who bought Rosie has dried up. The e mail address keeps bouncing back to me as unknown and the phone number is wrong.
I would dearly love to trace this pony. No problems only that I loved her dearly and just would like to know what she is doing now.
Can any of you help?
Photos as a 3 year old just before I sold her and one of her with the foal.
Thanks for reading this post.
Please PM me if anyone has any ideas where she may be.



Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
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Is it worth paying for a few adverts in horsey magazines? The previous owner of a pony I had had years ago traced me through an ad in Your Horse, or one such magazine. I didn't see the ad, but a friend did, rang me and passed the number on and a month or so after the magazine was published I contacted the old owner. But I guess it is down to chance.

Or try contacting a few saddlery shops in the area she was last known, and see if they would put up a poster for a small fee?

Was she ever ridden or used as a child's pony? In which case try Pony Club - either an advert on their website which costs £12 or try emailing the secretaries of branches in that area. They don't have a Lost/Stolen section on their website, but they do have a For Loan and For Sale so you could put something on one of them. It only takes one person to see the ad and pass on information.

Good luck and let us know if you find her.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
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Just a thought - have you tried googling her name through a good search engine? Lots of magazines run Results columns, just thought if someone is competing her, showing her, or driving, then the name might pop up somewhere.