Well-Known Member
How many people use both of the above or just a numnah? Just interested in your thoughts and reasoning. Thanks.
Thin cotton saddles fit properly.
We have both saddlecloth/numnah and a half pad on the jumpers, they all have close contact saddles, and it provides extra comfort and acts like a "shock absorber" to the horses back as it is landing from a fence and the riders weight is coming back
I use BALANCE saddles and the system, which is designed to allow room for the horses back muscles to work properly and the shoulder blade to have full movement, is such that you always have a numnah and then some form of (usually prolite) padding. They are brilliant saddles - everyone should have one!
We have both saddlecloth/numnah and a half pad on the jumpers, they all have close contact saddles, and it provides extra comfort and acts like a "shock absorber" to the horses back as it is landing from a fence and the riders weight is coming back