Numpty question re moving and overreach boots?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Yes, this post will mark me out as a relatively inexperienced owner (only had him two years) who is also a numpty former RSer . . . so shoot me ;)

I'm moving Kal tomorrow. In the past, I've travelled him either in travel boots or in brushing boots or bandages and overreach boots - depending on whether I could be arsed to bandage and/or what he was doing when he arrived. Tomorrow I plan to travel him in brushing boots so he can go straight out into the field on arrival . . . but he's currently barefoot so do I still need to put overreach boots on him?

He has always loaded and travelled well before - he calls a fair bit (but then he's a very vocal horse) and sometimes sweats up - but he doesn't move around alot or kick, etc., and he's travelling in a nice comfy lorry.

What would you do?



Well-Known Member
18 June 2011
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I would say it depends how far you're going. I boot up for long journeys, but my mare travels with no boots for quick trips (she is only shod on the front), and my youngster wears short travel boots (similar length to brushing boots) because he is a fidget.
Can you not turn him out in his OR boots if you like him to travel in them? Or let him hoon about in his new field for 10 mins then pop in and take them off?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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It's about a 25-minute trip . . . I have no real preference re OR boots I'm just dithering about whether he needs them either on the trip or in the field . . . :confused: I want him in brushing boots a) for protection on the journey and b) b/c I'm chucking him out in the field when we arrive and he does have a tendency to knock himself when he's pratting about. Question really is whether without shoes he'll hurt himself if he overreaches?

Ditto rugs . . . he usually sweats up when he travels alone (which he will be doing tomorrow) and he's quite hairy b/c he hasn't been clipped this year (although he's very fine-coated) so, despite the fact that it's not likely to be overly warm tomorrow, I plan to travel him naked (i.e., unrugged) and turn him out unrugged to start with and then check him once he's calmed down and put something on him if I think he's feeling chilly. I guess the question there is will turning him out damp give him a chill? I know, I know . . . cotton wool and all that ;).

Thanks :).



Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Ours are both barefoot and they still get boots as nomal - so I would use OR myself. (infact my straight moving, smooth feet etc mare is currently off games with a bit of a nasty OR injury so it can def still happen without shoes!) If you are bothered about faffing with boots when you get there then you can turn out in them no problems. My mare is a hot horse generally, but I do try and travel her in a rug where practical incase she does have a little sweat, at least then she won't feel chilled for the journey. Do you have a thin fleece or a cooler rug that you could put on him to travel in?


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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I would put him in OR boots myself then you wont be worrying about it, just chuck him out in them too...done no stress. It's not a long journey but I would travel him in a cooler/fleece just invade he does sweat up a little bit.

My boy is unshod and has a scar from an OR injury - hooning around the field- so it can happen to unshod horses too :(


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Thanks all . . . brushing and OR boots for travelling it is and he can go out in them. He has a couple of thermatexes - I will probably chuck one of those on him to travel in and then turn him out naked to start with. It's highly likely he'll hoon around like a loony doing his best "look at me I'm a tart" impression and I'd prefer to wait until he's calmed down and dried off a little before I sling a turnout rug on him. He's unfit AND hairy so he's bound to sweat up.
