Odd behaviour


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
Middle England
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daisy was lovely yesterday but really difficult to ride today and very odd on the yard for no apparent reason. I'm about to go off on holiday for two weeks and worried about leaving her if she's in pain.

We brought her in and then left her in her stable for about 2 hours before we rode her because it was raining and I obviously couldn't ride a wet horse. She often bangs the door a little before she settles but she went completely loopy and was striking the door very hard with what sounded like both front feet although don't ask me how. I didn't see because as soon as I appear she stops, we assume its just attention seeking, she did when I went away. She tried to escape from the stable several times as I went in and out which is again unusual for her.

She was fine to tack up but then very difficult to get on to, tried to trot every time I lifted my leg to tighten the girth, exploded on the spot a few times, backed up, spun round and was completely unresponsive. The only time she's ever been like that before was when we met a very large lorry which I could understand, but this out of character ridden behaviour coupled with the panicking in the stable when i wasn't there made me wonder if she's in pain.

This may sound stupid but would I be overreacting to get someone out to look at her back? If so who? Vet? Physio? Chiro? Osteopath? How can I tell who she needs in that there is nothing obviously wrong with her apart from the sudden change in behaviour.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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Could be that she just threw a tantrum at being shut in the stable and still hadnt got it out of her system by the time you rode her. I wouldnt panic too much just yet, she will probably be back to her old self next time you ride.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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Sounds like you brought her in away from her friends and instead of getting on an riding her (which would have occupied her) left her to dry which caused her to get wound up an stressed so you had mounting problems too.

Did she have a hay net to keep her occupied.

What you have described does not sound like back problems but as Oldmare say is a tantrum.