ODE report - a bit of a rant, a bit of a whinge, and a bit of a plea!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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Hi all,
well, today i competed in my first ODE in about 2.5 years (all plaited for the dressage, thanks to you comp riders!). i have been mercilessly working on my dressage, and have been absolutely extatic about it at home.
my test was PN 111, and i ran through it on friday with my instructor with masses of success (the grin on my face spread from ear to ear!). however today it was not to be. she warmed up lovely and we went in. OMG - someone must have swapped the horse underneath me! it was an awful test, really horrible. she was so tense in her neck, trying to set against me. wouldent pick up the correct lead into canter, and was generally an absolute poop. got *whispers* 47.5.
does anyone have any tips on how to sort this? i know that it is partly down to my nerves, as when we go into the arena i am nervous, but there must be something else, she was just horrible to ride today - she is the most frustrating horse on the planet!! she can move so nicley, and can be an absolute dream ride, but she can also be psycho beast from hell. i just wish there was something i could do to produce what we get at home - in competition. *sigh*

SJ - warmed up lovely, lovely round with just one down - entirely my fault. was v pleased with her.
Xc - usually our forte, but today we broke our 'never had a refusal' rule!! we had got up to fence 7 i think, a plain chair. and a lady was walking in front of it with her dog. as she saw me coming she moved to the side. we were about 3 strides out when the dog lunged at ellie, and she shied away from it - incurring a refusal. turned round and represented - no problem. continued the course in our usual style with just the penalties from the refusal (despite dogs barking at us whilst we came through the water!).
after i had seen to Ellie, i went to the secretaries box and informed them of what had happened (not to place an objection - i would have been out of the placings anyway) and he couldent care less, really wasnt in the least bit bothered that people werent able to control their dogs on the course - it could have been dangerous if a horse had really taken fright.
sorry for the whinge, just slightly disheartened after today, was really hoping to have a good time, but the attitude of some people ruined it slightly.
Sarah xXx

ps - pics in gallery


Well-Known Member
27 July 2005
west sussex
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that is such a shame. I would have been really annoyed about the dog too, you could have fallen off or something

if it was your first ode in all that time you did really well. You completed the whole day so you should be pleased with yourself


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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i would be annoyed too if that happened to me and then secretary whoever he was couldn't care. thats how accidents happen!
for the dressage think it is a case of just going out regularly to help your nerves and to help your horse. but how about rescue remedy for you. works for a lot of people.
well done on completing
*goes to look at pics*


Well-Known Member
20 February 2006
Well done - and as for nerves, have you tried rescue remedy? For both you and horse?

My godsister plays polo (captain of england womens team or something) and she used to have this dressage horse that was AMAZING but really nervous ect. So a bottle of rescue remedy used to calm him right down and he would strut his stuff easy! And it works on me, now thats saying something cos most medication doesnt - natural or not!



Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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dont worry i have had a far worse dressage mark than that and i thought she had gone nicely..it depends on the judge as well remember, and as you say you havent done much like it for a loing while, maybe it was hers and oyours excitement which just made her a bit tense..good luck for a nother one, it will just take time


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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i know PF - i was FUMING!! but didnt say anything to said numpty, as i decided that she could see plain enough what had happened. bad woman!!! i think i need to buy a dressage horse, paint it like Beastlet and then swap horses between disciplines!
Sarah xXx


Well-Known Member
20 November 2005
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ash can vouch for rescue rem sarah, says its disgusting but it does work! dont be to hard on yourself, you did afterall complete the day.pics are great, esp the one in the water.
we went to the tom thumb at ickworth (not competing as ots has lost a front shoe) just went to watch our friends kids, there team won there class. all SHPC members to!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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The dog incident on the XC was understandable & plain bl**dy bad luck - would've been nice if they could have shown a little more interest though - incidents with dogs etc. seem to be becoming awfully commonplace just recently!

The dressage? Most obvious culprit has gotta be 'nerves'....yours, the Beast's, or both!
And are you training in the same tack as you do at home, exactly the same tack? Try wearing the same clothes, boots etc., so you lose the 'excitement factor' of getting 'dressed up', (not as stupid as it sounds btw!)
Are you working in/warming up just as you do at home? Giving all your aids in exactly the same way as you do at home?

The above is an extremely common occurence I think, people (even subconsciously!) reacting/riding quite differently at a show than they do in training at home, often not even realising it, until it is pointed out by a friend or something! LOL

Or, yes, it could be just Ellie being a toad! LOL


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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lol, hi JAk - yes, exactly same tack, and as far as i am aware i am riding the same. i work in the same, and try to keep everything calm! am going to set up a dressage arena in the open field inc dressage boards and markers - see if she reacts to that.
Sarah xXx


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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aahyyyyyyyyyyy..... that's a shame, when at home fine and comps gg goes tense. My advice is to keep getting out there, do small shows but often, so you get used to it, so therefore YOU chill out (as much as possible) and therefore not unknowly pass on vibes to you gg.
As for people walking across your path, big gob required 'HORSE COMING THROUGH!!!!!!'
in the words of my name KICK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!