Oh and ASTI by Jack


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Hellooooooo my long lost friend! I'm still here, still supremely ginger!

My human has being trying to make me into a superstar but I've been having great fun foiling her! She's spent loads of money so she can drag me about in a trailer, only for me to start throwing colicy-symptoms. Sadly she called my bluff there and bought me some aniseedy medicine called coligone or somthing, to make me feel better. Bah!

SO I started being naughty in those silly classes where we prance round all plaited up, I do a great 4 beat canter which she gets really annoyed with but seeing as I'm in the ring, and she's outside, she can't get me! Hee hee!

Anyway, she cured that aswell. Bloomin woman knows me too well... She changed my classes to one where you get to jump first before the prancing about bit and I love jumping so I stay in a really good mood for the next bit. I can't beleive how sneaky she is!

However, this has meant seeing as I've been going to lots of parties, I've got some high heel thingies she puts in my shoes so I don't slip, and some new clothes, a very pretty rug with two flashes of colour down the side. Oh and she's fixed the saddle, well bought me TWO new ones, they are much lighter to carry so that is good! I also get fed a bit more and get lots of scratches and brushes.

Being good has some rewards. Plus they are starting to make that horrible foal do some work now so she doesn't bother me as much. I'll sort her out one of these days, but its a bit mean if I give her a good kicking now as she's only a toddler really.

Have to object to this though - look what the evil woman has done to my travelling outfit... It used to be nice blue and green - now look!!! Poofy pink!!!!


Hope you are well, and that the new ones are as easy to run rings round as the last one. Mind you I heard a shocking rumour that one of them rides with no clothes on! Draughty!!! Wouldn't like him to land funny either *snickers*

Well, best run before she find carrots and drool all over the keyboard!

Ta ta for now!

Asti x


Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
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OOOH Asti not sure if pink is your colour love.Agree lighter saddles good idea, anything that makes humping these great heavy humans around easier has to be a good idea! Hate the mule BUT if I was an only horse I would have sooo much more to do so supose should be grateful really.Sounds as though your human needs keeping in check! My new ones not as easy as the old bat I have to say,