Oh no, itchy hocks again!!!!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Posted on here at the beginning of the year about my boys bald patch on the side of his hocks. Well hes started again!!! It ends up with a scaly scab that I can scratch off but seems flaky and then comes back. Im thinking lice but the skin scraping taken last year shown nothing and in the mean time Ive fed him a barley free feed just incase he was intolerant to it. He improved but has always remained a bit more itchy than I would think normal, if you know what I mean??? He has a real good itch when his rugs removed, I know they all do but hes at it for ages, maybe thats just him. Its definately not rubs from the floor as hes on mats, floor and walls with a decent shavings bed on top. All I can think is hes been itching his bum on his salt lick and Im wondering if hes catching his hocks on the wall as he does it. (this wall is the only wall not matted) He has a lovely shiny coat, is low chase clipped but is a bit greasy. Vet treated him for mites with no improvement hence the skin scraping.
What do you think it is and any remedies please. Sorry to ask the same question again.
Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
1 June 2006
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I had a horse who had the same thing, on one hock, the hair became very rough and almost looked as though it had been clipped a bit. I just scratched it for him and picked off any scabby bits.
My LW cob is a very itchy little horse and is always scratching on anything he can rub on, thank god he doesnt have a mane!!! I just spend extra time when I groom him, I really scrub him with those rubbery bobbly curry comb/mit things. I put one on each hand and really go for it all over him, he loves it!! I have to do this all year round but it stops him from doing it himself so much.
Remedy wise, the vet gave him a jab for sensitive itchy skin, he had two, two weeks apart and it has made a difference. Its odd as like yours he has very healthy skin and coat but he is just ultra sensitive to flys etc.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Yes its exactly like that, hair looks like its been sort of clipped but not to the skin. He also hates the flies and is so miserable although he doesnt seem to get big fly bite lumps or anything.
He is a warm horse so maybe he is too warm with his MW on and with the weather being so changable but then you'd expect him to have bald bits in other itchy places too I suppose.
Vet has suggested doing an allergy test by taking bloods, I agreed last year but then he stopped itching! Horses eh.
Thanks for replying.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
I have exactly the same problem with my welshie cross. He is quite an itchy boy and really loves a good scratch. I've watched him when he rubs his bum and he does catch the one hock on the wall at the same time. I do the same as bellgrave. I try to give him a good scratch with a rubber curry comb instead of letting him do it himself. He lets me knoe when I've got the itchy spot and it seems to stop him scatching quite as much, which has the added benefit of saving his tail too. I do also wash and carefully dry his back legs a couple of times a week and aloe vera gel helps keep the scabby bits at bay

My boy also has a nice shiney coat. He just seems to sweat a lot no matter how fit he is and get quite itchy. I've also clipped him three times alreadt this autumn and he really could do with being done again!!!!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Thanks for that, Ive never caught him rubbing his bum yet so he could be catching his hocks on the wall then. One is always worse than the other. I will definately get some Aloe vera gel and give it a go.