Ok got photo's for CC on Conformation now


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Sorry for the overload! Ok I know these aren't the greatest photo's ever, I only had a few seconds to get these before my sister (who is modeling :D) had to go to work, but hopefully you will be able to make something of them? Agian please be gentle and any tips on where/how to improve are most appreciated :D Also sorry he's a mud monster just now, hopefully that doesn't make too much of a difference! :eek:




Sorry he decided to have a scratch...



I know he's very upright on his hooves, when the farrier comes next we'll be seeing what we can do. The YO kindly sorted having his back shoes off but I wasn't there at the time so didn't get a chance to speak to him then and his front shoes are still going strong


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26 March 2009
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Love him, what a kind face! The only thing that jumps out at me is what you have already mentioned - he holds his front feet rather too much under him. I wonder if his heels are a little high infront/have thrush or he has discomfort around his heel area? Def worth a chat with the farrier to help your horse with that.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Oh he's a sweatheart.

Upright in his hooves, but his general conformation is what you'd expect for his stamp.

I'd like to see him looking fitter and more muscled - but know how hard it can be at this time of year.

I really like him.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2011
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It is very hard to judge them when they're hairy and muddy, but he looks nice in my opinion. Such a kind face. His feet are a bit of a mess, but when my mare first arrived her hooves were terrible. I have a really good farrier and after a few months and a much improved diet they looked ten times better. This guy will look really well in a few months time and I want to see pictures of him! I love horsey transformations! What age is he?

Good luck, I think you have a little gem there, have fun! :D


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16 August 2010
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He looks like a nice type :) Weight wise he looks spot on. As mentioned he does seem to stand quite over at the knee, but your aware of that. I like him, he looks like a nice all rounder.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Thanks guys your comments have really put a big smile on my face! :D
He's a 5yo, he's such a sweetheart, he's so kind and gentle with me and he's pretty much always a happy boy so feeling really lucky to have got him!
He hasn't really done a lot of work before coming to me from what i've been told. Apparently he was hunted in Ireland for a bit but has had no real schooling or anything. So I've arranged for one of the lovely liveries with a very steady horse to come out for gentle hacks with me starting next week (she has work commitments this week otherwise we'd be out and about by now :D) to try and build up a wee bit of muscle especially around his shoulders and I'm going to ask another of the lovely liveries if she would come out with me too as her horse is equally brilliant/ bombproof next time I see her so hopefully we'll always have a hacking companion to go out with. In the meantime I've been doing gentle lung sessions (in walk only as we have shredded rubber/sand in our school and it's quite hard going) for about 15mins at a time just to keep him excercised and get him more used to voice commands - although today he was like "walk? I can do better than that mum!" and had a wee trot round ha ha! :rolleyes::D
He doesn't have thrush or any medical problems with his feet atm but the vet said his frogs aren't the best quality she'd have liked so it's likely he will be prone to getting it. So I've been keeping an eye on them - not easy when you pull a muscle in your arm ha ha! But i'm pretty much back to normal now and managed to get all 4 picked out all by myself today which is nice as I was having to hijack various people on the yard to help me for the last few weeks :rolleyes:
I will definately be posting more pics as he progresses! I'm really excited to see the difference from now to how he's going to be hopefully by the summer. Aslo quite excited about getting the farrier up to see what can be done about the uprightness, it'll be nice to see him standing better and it will be so much more comfortable for him too!
Thanks again! :D xXx


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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I have 2 comments to make:-

1) He looks scrummy :D

2) I hope your sister changes before she goes to work!! :eek:

Ha ha ha! Yes she even manages to squeeze in a quick shower too! :eek:;)
You should have a look at the previous photos from the day I bought him, people kept telling me I looked like I had rolled in a bog ha ha! :D
My mum, sister and I love our waterproofs, they are the best invention ever! And we really are clean underneath, honest! ;)