Ok, is this totally unreasonable?


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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I hae to move back to the stables I was at before as there isnt another one I can get to on the bus or afford. But I will need a stable is ti will be mid feb and he will be fully clipped. The yeard currently hass 3 people who have stables, but who's horses stay out 24/7. They just use the stables to store their tack in etc, so there might not be a stable and I dont want him out 24/7 with no shelter and fully clipped.

Would it be unreasonable to ask the YO if he could ask one of the other liveries to give up their box as their horse does not need a stable and they never bring them in?? There is a big tack room for the barn and outdoor liveries, so it is not like there is no where for them to keep their stuff.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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You could ask.. of course he could cope with good rugs!

I would ask though, but the people may not want to move!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Yeah, I know he could. Its also more that if they are out the only area to groom them is uncovered, so he could go a couple of rainy days without being brushed!!! and the two that have the stables are big hairy beasties that dont wear rugs.

I was just worried that if I rode and he hadnt dried off she would get ill if I had to put him back otu slightly damp as the yard closes at 9 and I dont get there till about 7. He was wintered out before and I wasnt leaving yard till around 9:30 after getting there at 7 and I was soo tired my work began to suffer. Can't risk that this time!
And his legs got all scabby being out in the wet all the time. Can't risk that this time! SO its not just for convenience.

AM going to ask, as my mate is using one of the stables at the mo, adn she pays the full price for it and the person who is meant to have it pays the grass livery price, but keeps all her stuff outside the stable so she cant store anything. So technically I would say its my mates stable, and she said I can use it when her boy is sold.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Well I wouldn't launch into it to be honest - it could make you highly unpopular with the other liveries who feel you are ousting them from their stables. Presumably they pay for their stables and it is up to them how they see fit to use them.

I would be wary about saying too much.


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Its up to the YO really. If they're getting enough money from the stables, even though they're not being used, they may not want to oust them out. It does seem silly to pay for a stable when the horses stay out though. I would probably say that you'll move on the condition you will have a stable, then the YO can decide what to do.


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Hi Beau,I would ask J he is usually more than helpful.I think M would be paying full price for stable if and when she uses it otherwise there'd be a riot among other liveries if she got 1/2 price.He would just charge her grass til E finished with it(thats what he did when we 'borrowed' a box,box was still seen as original persons tho).There are a few stables like that at yard, owners apparently take their horse in if weather gets really bad.Some have said if stable really needed they don't mind it been used but don't know if that means for sick horse or other livery!!M may not even want it back then your sorted but would see J about E's stable as don't know if M was meant to get it back when she is finished with it so really would not be E's if you know what I mean!!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Hey Tequila, HEHE, yeah I get ya. Was speaking to E about it yesterday, so she is going ot speak to M and let me know. But I know E pays full price of stable and M pays grass, cos thats only fair really.
Would keep Beau out if I could but Lou has him fully clipped and rugged and he has been in since Oct, so might be too much of a shock to his system to suddenly be turfed out, he's turned into a pampered pone!! Beau's Loanee is comingup to try out Jake to buy, so Beau might be home a lot sooner than expected!!

Was up having a shot on Jake yesterday........he has changed so much since a girl at my work (well a student) started riding him................so much less on the forehand and easy to manouvre, and stop!! I almost considered trying a wee jump, but they were up about 4ft for R's lesson. E's new boy is gorge though isnt he!! and such a better height, they look like a pair rather than her being plonked on top of Jake.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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I have a horse who lives out 24/7 but i still have a stable allocated to me. this is extremely useful so that i can tack up, feed, and stand her in for the farrier etc if needed. i wouldent rush into asking anyone, as if i was kicked out of my stable i wouldent be a happy bunny! - this is just my honest opinion.