ok need you lot to share a bit of your knowledge (long post!)


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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Right my sister's (bethandhenry) horse henry is a tb x and every winter tends to get a bit lets say "lively" now we know its not his teeth back etc as all have been checked. He just tends to be evry on his toes at times, and reacts sometimes quite badly to what other horses do (so if another horse canters too close to him or something he gets very uptight and sometimes throws in a small buck)

He is on working livery and has now had a few people off so the owners now just put the more advance riders on him which is understandable its just very annoying as he never does anything horrible unless another horse does something.

The only time he has had someone off when another horse wasnt involved is when someone brought there child in to watch a lesson accompanied by there noisy toy which spooked him.

He can also be lively out hacking and yet again its normally other horses that bother him as when hacking alone he is usually perfect. Allthough he is naturally quite on his toes and has quite a big fear of cows and phesasnts jumping out!

Now comes your help I was wondering if any calming supplements such as NAF magic would be worth a try? Or can you give us any other tips (he is fed only chaff as hard feed heats him way too much)

Sorry for the long post well done if you got this far

Thank you



Well-Known Member
10 December 2006
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i have just bought a tub of topspec calmer, as my boy gets very anxious when ridden with others. He becomes very highly strung, and worried when other horses leave etc. I was recommended this by lots of people and topspec, and it contains a lot of essential vits/mins including magnesium, and also l-trytophan(sp) to work in different ways. I will let you know how we get on, but as i say lots of people recommend it.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2006
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Could it be the cold? one of our eventers is a hooligan in the winter, from october to march he is a pain to hack and sharp as anything, he always wears a x-sheet to take the edge off and Magnesium (in the form of disolved Epsom salts) with which he is just about manageable, we like em sharp!


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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He may be deficiant in something if he is only being fed chaff. You should give him a multi vit and min supplement and make sure he is getting all he needs before resorting to a calmer.

Maybe try something like Happy Hoof which is a chaff with vits and mins added to it - no concentrate at all.

At least then you'd know you'd tried everything x


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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no chance of more field time it getssss so muddy we just dont have the option. He does get plenty of exercise and is lunged or free schooled when we are not up the yard (he is on working livery) so some days he gets all that field time and lunging and riding then he still gets spooky

scarlett1980 that could be an idea, its just so hard to find something he doesnt end up hypo on,


Well-Known Member
24 January 2007
NZ - Canterbury
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have you tried MAGic calmer by NAF as well as plenty of long fibre to keep his gut working

it sounds silly but my bosses Tb used to get very silly if she was hungry etc and was much clamer when she had plenty of hay and a big big bucket of hi-fi twice a day - plus a suppliment of course.