Ok, really silly question about comfort bridles and slip heads??


Well-Known Member
15 January 2011
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With the extra piece of leather over the head-piece that the comfort bridles have anyway, can you add a slip head to one to convert to a double??

Am thinking long term if i ever decide to try her in a double would it still be converted with a slip head?? or would it have to be used with a rugby pelham to achieve the same look as a double?

(am thinking bigger showing classes) in the far future, if we ever get that far :eek:

Thanks :eek:


Well-Known Member
9 October 2009
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First off A rugby pelham still needs a slip head otherwise it just dangles about. They are to give the impression of a double with out having 2 mouth pieces. Everything else should be the same

The slip head goes through your brow band under the head piece , so it would work on any bridle but your comfort would no longer be a comfort if you get my drift. I would imagine it needs to go under and not over as there would not be the keepers on the head piece like there are for the noseband