Fantastic clip.
I came across this one the other day, of a home-made double decker horse box in Romford...
Wonder where all those kids are now?
British Pathe News is fab for clips of old shows and showjumpers from the 1930s on. Someone should put them on a DVD.
This is the one I meant to post. I had never seen the first one which is beautiful.
This one is around 1940 as Blue Peter the 1939 Derby winner is seen at the stud.
The other one is a lot earlier, very early 1920s perhaps.
Any way enjoy everyone!
I think this is the one you are looking for. It's wonderful.
Can anyone identify the horses?
Is it just me or did Blue Peter look lame as a dog in his back end?
It took me a while to learn. Just right click on address in bar (at very edge) & highlight copy, then right click in the post & highlight copy.
looking forward to seeing the clips!
Wonderful! Nice to see so many "No's" that would drive people to distraction nowadays: No numnahs, hats, groundlines, fat horses (or people), and yet still riding and jumping well. Amazing!
Aw, thanks! Very nostalgic for the old times when elf'an'safety didn't rule everything.....and we all managed to ride and have fun without dying all over the place